In spite of major advances in life and the appearance of dozens of children oriented cable channels, the traditional and class


[International Herald Tribune, France]



Al Seyassah, Kuwait

Iranian Nuclear Summit a 'Farcical Reaction' to America's


"The summit in the U.S. is considered by many a turning point in the international effort to isolate Iran's ruling theocracy. ... Observers note that all conference participants focused their energies on the Iranian nuclear program - and all agreed on one thing: the Iranian regime is terrorist in nature and threatens global security."


By Mohammad Egbal*


Translated By Nicolas Dagher


April 28, 2010


Kuwait - Al Seyassah- Original Article (Arabic)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: He and his administration seem to have accomplished the difficult task of driving Gulf Arabs and Israelis together in opposing his government.


RUSSIA TV, RUSSIA: Tale of two nuclear summits: America's and Iran's, Apr. 17, 00:03:47 RealVideo

Many observers of the situation in Iran were surprised that Iranian authorities decided to host their own “international” summit in Tehran under the slogan “Nuclear Power for All, Nuclear Weapons for None.”


The reason for the odd surprise is that such a summit wasn't on the agenda of Iranian authorities, despite the regime's false claim to have been preparing such a conference for the past two years. Tehran's nuclear summit, coming immediately after the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington that saw the participation of 47 states, shows that the summit in Iran was just a reaction to Washington's. The summit in the U.S. is considered by many a turning point in the international effort to isolate Iran's ruling theocracy. It is widely understood that "through its absence, Iran was present" at Washington’s nuclear summit.”


Let's take a look at the farce that took place in Tehran. The Tehran newspaper Jomhury Irani said that Iran's summit was attended by ten foreign ministers, six members of parliaments and other ministers - without offering further details or clarifications. But Agence France Presse broadcast a story revealing that the conference was attended by foreign ministers from Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, South Africa, the Sultanate of Oman, Turkmenistan and Swaziland, as well as Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, all of which were represented by foreign ministry officials.


Turning now to the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the plan was for it to focus on global nuclear security and the threat to that security posed by terrorist organizations. But once the opening session began, it became clear that the main target of the summit was the Iranian regime. Observers have noted that all conference participants focused their energies on the Iranian nuclear program - and all agreed on one thing: the Iranian regime is terrorist in nature and threatens global security. It was the first time that the world highlighted the Iranian threat without hedging and with such clarity - and the proof was the agreement of all participants and that immense pressure must be maintained on the Iranian regime.


The Washington summit was a major turning point in the Iranian nuclear issue. The regime that rules Iran has hypocritically bitten the hand extended toward it, which offered a package of incentives for helping it create a peaceful nuclear program. The reason Iran continues this comedic drama is because of its ambition to obtain nuclear weapons. This in turn prevents it from coming to an acceptable agreement with the global community, which is now convinced that it is a state sponsor of terrorism. All agree that Iran must, by all possible means, be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons, give the immediate threat it poses to the world and the independence of neighboring countries. This is particularly true since the mullahs in Tehran have an agenda and ambitions regarding its neighbors that are now all too clear.


Obama with Pakistan Prime Minister Gilani, one of the world leaders who

attended the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Click here or click

photo to watch this video from Britain's Guardian newspaper, highlighting

many of the heads of state at the summit and why they matter.



Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria: West's 'Nuclear Newspeak' Betrays Anti-Iran Bias  

Global Times, China: Do Americans and Russians Think Chinese are 'Idiots?'  

El Pais, Spain: Nuclear Genie Gets the Better of Obama  

Le Temps, Switzerland: Confronting the Nuke Threat: 'Nothing is Unthinkable Now'  

O Globo, Brazil: Lula Presses Obama to Speak to Ahmadinejad  

Die Welt, Germany : 'Zionist Cigarettes' and the Parlous State of Iran's Economy    

Le Figaro, France: Tehran Blows a Golden Opportunity - Again

Folha, Brazil: Iran Progress Shows Obama and Lula Made the Right Call

Kayhan, Iran: Supreme Leader Calls 'Nuclear Threats' By Obama 'Disgraceful'

Kayhan, Iran: Ahmadinejad Warns 'Inexperienced' Obama

La Jornada, Mexico: U.S. Nuclear Double Standards Must End

Kommersant, Russia: Russia and America Call for 'Universal Nuclear Disarmament'

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: START Will Do Nothing to Prevent the Inevitable Blast

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Quietly, Successfully, U.S. Tightens Noose Around Tehran

Le Figaro, France: For U.S. and China, the A-Bomb to Diffuse is Economic

Le Figaro, France: East Europeans Shudder at Better U.S.-Russia Ties

Die Welt, Germany: Obama's Nuclear Policy is a 'Mini Revolution'

Le Figaro, France: Obama's Anti-Nuclear Crusade Will Mark His Presidency


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It is also notable that the number of countries calling for a boycott and the imposition of isolation on the Iranian regime, especially with regard to freezing the assets of the Revolutionary Guard, has been rising by the day. Meanwhile, the number of countries that used to vote in favor of Iran is dwindling. For instance, we noticed how Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who previously described the Iranian regime as a good trading partner, announced that Malaysia would now refrain from selling Iran gasoline.


Washington's summit dealt a huge blow to the Iranian regime, particularly because of its tremendous dependence on Russia and China. But things have begun to take an even more complicated turn, as Russia has suddenly and dramatically decided not to deliver its "S-300" missile system to Iran, claiming that it discovered a technical glitch in the system. Meanwhile, Iran's official press claims that at the very same time, Moscow is delivering 15 shipments of these very same missiles to China!


We must point out the main reason for this new international consensus against the Iranian regime: a widely-shared sense that this is a distinctly terrorist regime that is a threat to global security.


The main reasons for this change go back to the rapidly mounting protests against Iran's rulers. This popular uprising against the Iranian regime is very significant.  




It is an undeniable fact that what's happening to the Iranian regime is due to the revolt of the Iranian people and its many martyrs on their very long road. Rather than safeguarding its people, the regime has arrested hundreds simply for coming onto contact with supporters of the Mojahedin-e Khalq-e Iran [People's Mujahedin of Iran], trying them on charges of “being against Allah and his Prophet.” Furthermore, they have been repeatedly tortured in a variety of ways with no respect for morality or religion. All of this shows that the collapse of this regime is inevitable.


*Mohammad Egbal is an Iranian Writer




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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 1, 11:39pm]



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