Gorbachev: The last general secretary of the Communist
of the Soviet Union and the last head of state of the USSR
has a simple message on how to deal with North
Korea: easy
it - and talk rather than shoot.
Rossijskaya Gazeta,
Mikhail Gorbachev: Dialogue Only Way to Resolve Korea Crisis
who put all of their hopes on strengthening sanctions must consider two things.
First of all, the North Korean people, who are experiencing tremendous
deprivation, must not be held hostage to the North Korean nuclear issue. Second,
the consequences of the collapse of a nuclear state could be disastrous."
By Mikhail Gorbachev, Former President of the USSR
Translated By
Yekaterina Blinova
June 6, 2009
- Rossijskaya Gazeta - Original Article (Russian)
The news of the North Korean
nuclear detonation on May 25 of this year found me in the demilitarized
zone of the Korean peninsula, where I had been invited to participate in an
unveiling ceremony for the "Peace Bell" at the 38th parallel -
the demarcation line of the armistice that
ended the Korean war in the early 50s of the last century.
Needless to say, at
a press conference held that same morning, this dramatic event was the center
of attention. In conversation with South Korean colleagues that day, I felt how
worried and concerned they were - not only with their own security, but with
the situation in North Korea. They expressed their heartfelt and deepest
empathy with their compatriots stranded on the other side of the demarcation
line and the hope for the future reunification of their country. I observed in all of my conversations not panic, but
concern, very deep concern, about what will happen next.
But only recently it seemed
that events were unfolding differently. Let us recall that in February 2007, the
DPRK [North Korea] agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor in Yongbyon. In
June of 2008, it was partially dismantled, and images of its cooling tower
exploding were shown by every TV network. North Korea also handed over to the United
States and China 18,000 pages (!) of documentation on the development of North
Korea's nuclear program, beginning with 1990. U.N. inspectors were given access
to the DPRK's nuclear facilities. Hopes for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula
seemed increasingly realistic.
And suddenly, as they say - a
180 degree turn. Access for the inspectors was terminated, deactivation of the nuclear
reactor was suspended, the DPRK withdrew from the six-party talks with United
States, China, Russia, Japan and Republic of Korea [South Korea]. And now -
another nuclear explosion.
Diplomats and experts explain
this shift in a number of ways. Some consider that actions of North Korea's
leadership to be irrational; others see in them the desire to obtain additional
assistance from international community for its desperate population and to resurrect
the country’s economy; others believe the answer lies in the power struggle,
which has become more acute given the failing health of the current leader of
the DPRK. In South Korea, there are also those who believe that the hard line
of the new South Korean president toward the North has proven counterproductive.
All of this calls for very
serious reflection. But it's more important not to lose sight of the purpose of
such analysis. The goal should be to find a way to resume the political and
diplomatic dialogue - and in particular, the six-party talks. To switch gears to
a military mode would be a mistake. But such calls are already being heard.
In Japan, the North
Korean nuclear test has become an ace in the hands of those who support remilitarization.
“In the sphere of defense, we must possess a sword as well as a shield,” declared
a leading Japanese political analyst. In turn, the United States deputy
secretary of defense says that the U.S. would be willing to support the “potential
for preventive strikes against enemy bases.” From there, it's not far until the
main “taboo” of the post-war Japanese policy is violated - abstention from
nuclear weapons.
Such actions can only further
exacerbate the situation and push the North Korean leadership into additional
reckless steps. They would also undermine the unified international reaction which
has emerged on the U.N. Security Council to the nuclear tests. I welcome the
fact that without wavering, the United States, China, Russia and Europe took a common
Right now, the Security
Council is working on a resolution to concretize this reaction. What set of
measures would be optimal in the current situation? It must be made clear to
the North Koreans that their behavior will not remain without consequences. But those
who put all of their hopes on strengthening sanctions must consider two things.
First of all, the North Korean people, who are experiencing tremendous
deprivation, must not be held hostage to the North Korean nuclear issue. Second,
the consequences of the collapse of a nuclear state could be disastrous.
As difficult as it may be, we
must seek the political keys to solving this problem. From my own experience I
know that negotiations on nuclear issues demand the very highest level of
responsibility and a constructive political approach.
Daily North Korea:
American Reporters Likely to Be Treated 'Relatively' Well
Yonhap News Agency:
North Korea Promises to Fight U.S. with 'Willpower'
Daily North Korea:
Top Korean Defector: 'Neglecting' Kim Jong-il is Best Approach
Korea Central News:
America 'Wholly to Blame' for Nuclear Threat to World
Korea Central News:
South Korea 'Declares War'
Daily North Korea:
Why Did North Korea Hold a Nuclear Test Now?
Daily North Korea:
Regime Change is Only Solution for North Korea
The Asia Times:
Beijing Weighs its Options
The Hanyoreh:
Paricipation in U.S.-Led Maritime
WMD Control a Mistake for Seoul
JoongAng Ilbo:
South Must Delay Transfer of Wartime
Control from U.S. to South
Yonhap News Agency:
Obama's 'Tough Challenge'
from Stubborn Kim Jong-il
Much will depend on those
members of “the big six” who have preserved channels of communication and
influence with the DPRK. In particular, China maintains such a connection on the state and party level, and provides it with vital economic assistance.
Therefore, China has a right, in all candor, to tell North Korea's leadership
that all of this could end badly, first and foremost for North Korea itself.
And it has a right to ask questions. For instance, from whence is this “threat
to the sovereignty of the country” that the DPRK leadership offers to justify
its nuclear tests? Is it rational to accuse the Security Council of “hostility”
- which means China, Russia and Europe, which have exerted such great efforts
to steer the problems of the Korean Peninsula away from an impasse?
The latest news out of the
region is alarming. North Korea has declared that it no longer considers itself
bound by the Armistice Agreement, has conducted several launches of missiles with
varying ranges, and now, it may be preparing to test an intercontinental missile.
The American and South Korean militaries have been put on high alert.
If we were to act according
to the logic of “an analogous response,” which was used more than once during
the “Cold War” years, it's possible that we could slip rapidly into a crisis with
unpredictable consequences.
The art of politics consists in
not turning a problem into a threat, and a threat into a military conflict.
When you're in that region and speaking to people who are directly affected by
this explosive situation, this truth isn't presented as an abstract inference,
but quite explicitly - as a call not to let even the slightest possibility for a
return to the path of dialogue pass. Because that is the way this and other
problems of the region will be resolved.
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 9, 11:09pm]