America's Lost Hope: For the Most Part, Obama's Inexperience is to Blame (Lesoir, Belgium)


"It has to be said that Barack Obama, who from 'Christly' wound up haughty, is far from delivering on the balance of his promises. ... There is no mystery: Barack Obama acceding to the presidency devoid of any executive experience at the local level, and, equipped solely with a single year as a U.S. senator, has paid for his inexperience and naivety."




Translated By Katia Mohandi


September 10, 2012


Belgium - Lesoir - Original Article (French)

President Barack Obama: After all is said and done, is his own lack of prior executive experience at the root of America's problems?


AL-JAZEERA NEWS VIDEO: Inside Story - Will Americans stick with Obama?, Sept. 8, 00:25:02RealVideo

Four years ago, Barack Obama, whose skin color wasn’t the only novelty, built his electoral victory on a fundamental yearning for change with a "cut above the rest" attitude, almost above politics. There was talk of an “aspirational candidacy” and the “audacity of hope,” and the man concerned was almost cast in a Christly mold.


It has to be said that Barack Obama, who from "Christly" wound up haughty, is far from delivering on the balance of his promises. Hard line and radicalized, the Republicans and their policy of obstruction bear a bear a good portion of the responsibility for this rather muddled result. But to stick to this explanation alone in the way that the president does is to forget that during the first half of his term in office he had majority in Congress. It is here we must look for the root of his rapid legislative collapse and the difficulties he has encountered since. There is no mystery: Barack Obama acceding to the presidency devoid of any executive experience at the local level, and, equipped solely with a single year as a U.S. senator, has paid for his inexperience and naivety.


That the voters believed in his exceptionalism is (somewhat) understandable. But, by believing this himself, he went crashing into the reefs of the relentlessness of Washington politics.

Toronto Star, Canada

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Since the duel began with his Republican opponent, the incumbent has defined his candidacy as a remedy to Republican ferocity and Mitt Romney's lack of personal and political transparency.


Up until Wednesday evening and the speech he was to deliver last night [Sept. 6], it was worrying that, to avoid negative arguments and squirrely lines of reasoning, Barack Obama had to cling to some surprising buoys - his wife, and then the last Democratic president, the most gifted politician of his generation (and the next), but also husband of Obama’s former opponent for the Democratic Party nomination in 2008 …

Posted by Worldmeets.US


Against Mitt Romney, Obama still has a good chance of winning. But he must offer a vision for a possible second term that is well framed, tangible and intelligible. Winning is not enough: his country needs a long term plan and a leader who knows how to make it happen. The mantra of hope is no longer sufficient. To restore hope, it must be rooted in reality.


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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Sept. 10, 9:29pm]


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