[International Herald Tribune, France]

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Le Figaro, France

America's Lunatic Fringe Runs Romney’s Nomination Campaign


“French screenwriter Michel Audiard, noted for snappy dialogue, once wrote, ‘An idiot will try anything. That is how you know he is an idiot.’ The same can be said of demagogues. Last Sunday on Fox News - where else? - Romney that soaring gas prices are actually the result of a plot by the president. Why not also hold Obama responsible for the tsunami in Japan, the financial crisis, the disappearance of whales and global warming?”


By Jean-Sébastian Stehli



Translated By Elizabeth Burfield


March 24, 2012


France - Le Figaro - Original Article (French)

Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney: Has the primary campaign irretrievably soiled him for the general election?

BBC NEWS VIDEO: Rick Santorum reacts to winning Louisiana poll, compares himself to Ronald Reagan, Mar. 25, 00:02:36RealVideo

Mitt Romney has done all he can to pull ahead in the Republican primaries and challenge Obama next November. His adviser may declare, ingeniously, that the post-primary situation can be compared to an Etch A Sketch - it will be enough to shake it up and start all over, consigning Romney’s demagogic remarks made only to appeal to the most extremist fringe of the electorate to oblivion - but it is far from certain that Americans will forget. The latest example of demagogic paranoia is the suggestion that soaring gas prices are part of a “plot” by Barack Obama.


French screenwriter Michel Audiard, noted for snappy dialogue, once wrote, “An idiot will try anything. That is how you know he is an idiot.” The same can be said of demagogues. Last Sunday on Fox News - where else? - Romney explained that soaring gas prices are actually the result of a plot by the president. Why not also hold Obama responsible for the tsunami in Japan, the financial crisis, the disappearance of whales and global warming? Correction: global warming is a hoax invented by Democrats as a form of mind-control. And why, according to Romney, has Obama devised such a plot? Of course, to undermine the American way of life and the individualism symbolised by the automobile. (Although, doesn’t this make Romney, who wanted Detroit to go bankrupt, the real adversary of the American way of life?)


Posted by Worldmeets.US


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What’s so alarming about these crazy assertions is that, repeated all day long, they end up becoming reality for millions of Americans. And scarier still: until recently, such statements were the exclusive territory of the country’s most extreme conspiracy theorists, who believed that fluoridated water was a communist plot to control American minds, or that the government had planted chips under the skin of citizens in order to spy on them. Today, the GOP is the conduit for such opinions, and not a single one of its leading figures has strayed from this message.


If the memory of the electorate holds, it will be difficult for Romney to explain next November that all the lies and paranoia were just a joke. It may well be Obama who gets the last laugh.




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US March 27, 8:42pm]