Donald Trump: America's Jean-Marie Le Pen? (Le Figaro, France)


"If we stick to the attitude of the two men, which is characterized by provocative, offensive language and a refusal to observe political correctness, there are similarities. Trump has made outrageous statements about women, about illegal immigrants, and about Mexico knowingly sending murderers into the United States, and has even criticized the status of Senator McCain as a hero, which is recognized on the right as it is on the left."


Interview w/Anne Deysine



Translated By Pierre Guittard


August 7, 2015


France – Le Figaro – Original Article (French)

Donald Trump embodies the wrath of the American middle class, however, his lack of a real program could cut his adventure short, says Anne Deysine.


Anne Deysine specializes in U.S. legal and political issues and is a professor at University Paris Ouest Nanterre. She is author of the just-published book The United States Supreme Court of the United States: Law, Politics and Democracy (Dalloz)


Le Figaro: As expected, Donald Trump guaranteed a good show with his provocations in the first televised Republican debate. The billionaire had particularly harsh words for Mexican immigrants. What do you think of the comparison between Trump and Jean-Marie Le Pen?


Anne Deysine: To attempt a comparison, one needs to set aside the specific French context of Holocaust denial [Le Pen has been found guilty of violating French Law for minimizing the significance of the Holocaust, which he called, among other things, a "detail of history."] However, if we stick to the attitude of the two men, which is characterized by provocative, offensive language and a refusal to observe political correctness, there are similarities. Trump has made outrageous statements about women, about illegal immigrants, and about Mexico knowingly sending murderers into the United States, and has even criticized the status of Senator McCain as a hero, which is recognized on the right as it is on the left.


Le Figaro: What explains his success in media and the polls?




La Jornada, Mexico: Trump's Rise is a Threat to Mexico and Mexicans
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Donald Trump Raises 'Interesting Question' about Heroism in War
Deutsche Welle, Germany: Donald Trump: Presidential Hopeful who Baffles Europe
El Nuevo Diario, Nicaragua: For Jeb, Hillary and the Rest, There's No Escape from Iraq
Scotsman, U.K.: Trump Calls Second Scottish Independence Referendum 'Ridiculous'
La Jornada, Mexico: Thanks to Donald Trump, U.S. Latinos Feel their Oats
Milenio, Mexico: Semana, Colombia: Trump Echoes 'Every U.S. President' Since James Monroe
Milenio, Mexico: Donald Trump: A Rare Unifying Force for Mexicans and Gringos!
Excelsior, Mexico: Donald Trump: Migrants Join Army of those who Despise Him


Anne Deysine: The American people are fed up with the political and economic situation. They do not feel the effects of the recovery in their daily lives. Trump has the great advantage of being able to embody the violent exasperation of the average American and middle class. His accusations in every direction allow frustrated voters to think or hope that a candidate has finally heard and understood them.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


Le Figaro: In your view, will the craze for Trump last? Does he have a real chance of winning?


Anne Deysine: Trump is a good connoisseur of media – of reality TV – and this explains why he has been propelled to first place in the polls. Yet while one shouldn't take this phenomenon lightly, it is fair to think that his candidacy is doomed to failure since he has failed to offer any specific answers to the problems of the country. But we mustn't underestimate his destructive capacity. If he doesn't win the Republican nomination, he has threatened to run as an independent candidate. Under this hypothesis, he will assure a defeat of the Republicans.




Le Figaro: If not Trump, who is the real favorite of the [GOP] primaries?


Anne Deysine: When there are 17 candidates it's hard to identify a favorite; and depending on the state and the issues, it is one candidate or another that appears to emerge. If there is a candidate who wasn't the favorite because he's perceived as too moderate and too centrist, it is Jeb Bush. The question is whether he will be able to win the primaries and get the Republican nomination - because only he has a chance of winning against Hillary Clinton.




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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, August 7, 2015, 8:41pm]

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