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Tea Party Takes America Hostage (Le Figaro, France)


"Republicans who never fail to delight at the idea of sabotaging a project of Barack Obama, also know they could pay dearly in the upcoming mid-term elections for their intransigence. ... Americans, even if unenthusiastic about health insurance, are allergic to blackmail."


By Jean-Sébastien Stehli



Translated By Pierre Guittard


October 1, 2013


France - Le Figaro - Original Article (French)

Tea Party grenade-thrower Ted Cruz: Will this government shutdown work out better than the last one did for Republicans?


BBC NEWS VIDEO, U.K.: Markets monitor the effects of U.S. budget fight fallout, Sept. 30, 00:01:33 RealVideo

Unless a miracle happens in the last nanosecond, by 12:01 on Tuesday morning, the United States government will be technically unemployed. The House of Representatives passed a bill delaying the implementation of health care reform by a year and removing a tax on medical devices that partly funds universal health care. By adopting those measures, which were attached to a bill enabling the federal government to continue to function, the House made certain that hundreds of thousands of civil servants would be out of work by Tuesday. "Americans are victims of extortion by Tea Party anarchists," lamented Harry Reid, Democratic leader in the Senate.


Even The Wall Street Journal, staunch ally of the conservative clan, compared supporters of federal government closure to suicide bombers. Obviously, the Tea Party sees things differently. For Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and their conservative colleagues in Congress, forcing hundreds of government officials into technical unemployment is a way of reminding people that Obama's reform of health care insurance is a bad law - and they are convinced a majority of Americans agree with them.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


Yet Republicans, who never fail to delight at the idea of sabotaging a project of Barack Obama, also know they could pay dearly for their intransigence in the upcoming mid-term elections. Encouraged by Newt Gingrich, it was 17 years ago that the same behavior turned out to be a disaster for the GOP, thus giving Bill Clinton a boost. Americans, even if unenthusiastic about health insurance, are allergic to blackmail.


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John Boehner, speaker of the House, had two options: fund Obamacare, allow the government to continue to function and risk a rebellion among conservatives in his ranks; or trigger a shutdown of the government. He has chosen, hoping that the price to be paid at the next election won't be too heavy. Now the citizens will decide.



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Posted By Worldmeets.US Oct. 1, 2013, 03:19am