[Guardian Unlimited, U.K.]



Le Figaro, France

The Tea Party: An 'American Fever' that Will Soon Pass


"Whatever the outcome of the vote on Tuesday, they represent nothing but a sinister bubble that will disappear as quickly as it formed. Because the Tea Party is nothing but an obsessional crises seen regularly in America. … America loves these obsessions. That's the fever of the Puritans. They love to see the fever rise so they can delight in the repentance that follows."


By Jean-Sébastien Stehli



Translated By Philippe Guittard


November 2, 2010


France - Le Figaro - Original Article (French)

For months, people have spoken of nothing else. It's the Tea Party, a collection of people who believe in creationism but deny the reality of global warming; who decry an overly-intrusive state, but dig into the government archives to track and publicly denounce those they accuse of being on American territory illegally; and the poeple who constantly refer to the Founding Fathers, yet violate the spirit of the republic sought by Washington, Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison and the rest.


These bigots with their oversized waists and gas-guzzling 4x4s have taken center stage when in reality they represent only themselves - which it must be said is not very much. Above all, whatever the outcome of the vote on Tuesday, they represent nothing but a sinister bubble that will disappear as quickly as it formed.  



Because the Tea Party is nothing but an obsessional crises seen regularly in America. Whether it's the witch trials of Salem or the witch hunts of Joseph McCarthy, the impeachment process of Bill Clinton, Prohibition or the rhetoric of Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, a pact that would pave the way for a Republican majority that evaporated two years later, America loves these obsessions. That's the fever of the Puritans. They love to see the fever rise so they can delight in the repentance that follows.


Obviously, behind the Tea Party faithful are huge financial interests, They'll still be there, but the agitated and paranoid people who imagine that the state will soon send in its political commissars or that they're on the eve of a Stalinist purge will disappear as quickly as they emerged. One would have liked for those who now so loudly and so often proclaim the cardinal principles of the Constitution to have had the same outrage when the Supreme Court ignored their voices and decided that George W. Bush won an election that he lost, receiving total of 544,000 fewer votes than his opponent, Al Gore.


Therefore, the new Tea Party representatives will undoubtedly arrive in Congress where one will hear of them for a few months. And like all of those who preceded them, they will eventually disappear, victims of their own incompetence, after voters regain their senses. Not too late, one hopes.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US November 2, 10:15pm]


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