[Het Parool, The Netherlands]



Le Figaro, France

The Climate Summit and the Challenge of Governing a Planet


"The fact that questions of such complexity are being discussed in a forum as large and disorganized as this shows how much progress is needed … Whether there is an agreement or not, the creation of a global organization for the environment is required to end the rat race."


By Pierre Rousselin



Translated By Philippe Guittard


December 16, 2009


France - Le Figaro - Original Article (French)


A demonstrator wears tree roots at the Climate Summit in Copenhagan, Denmark. About a thousand people were arrested during demonstrations on Saturday.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Arrests sour Copenhagen climate rally, Dec. 12, 00:01:18RealVideo

It's in a state of great confusion that the Copenhagen Conference enters its decisive phase. It can hardly be otherwise with 190 countries directly negotiating over questions as crucial as those related to the survival of the planet and that involves, in every nation, strategic choices.


That the climate conference has aroused such interest is in itself immense progress. This suggests a universal consciousness of the dangers of development that ignores our environment.


But the fact that questions of such complexity are being discussed in a forum as large and disorganized as this shows how much progress is needed to improve global governance.


Setting equitable emissions targets for greenhouse gas emissions, mobilizing considerable resources to assist the poorest countries and deciding on control mechanisms: the agenda in Copenhagen is more ambitious than at any previous international arena.



Bringing the United States, India and China within a framework established by a small committee under Kyoto is no simple matter. Hence the impression of a rat race in which each party pursues its own interests without taking account of the frame of reference of its partners, and often without precisely explaining how it intends to reach its goals. How can one ensure that such commitments will be met?


As the world has grown more complicated, negotiations have become more difficult. With the emergence of China, India and Brazil, there are no longer the rich on one side and the poor on the other. There's no longer the West on one side and the rest of the world on the other. The era in which a nation or group of nations could impose their will on the entire planet is past. Going from the G7 to the G20 was a step in this process, and Copenhagen is another.


[The Telegraph, U.K.]



Estadao, Brazil: The Rich Show Their Hand at Copenhagen

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia: Gorbachev Presses World Leaders to Deliver on Climate

Kurier, Austria : Potentially Negligent Mass Murder: Climate Change Must Be Faced

Guardian Unlimited: Climate Summit in 'Disarray' After Leak of 'Danish Text'  

Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: The 'Grotesque Behavior' of the Climate Powers

Financial Times Deutschland, Germany: Beijing Instead of Copenhagen  

Hurriyet, Turkey: History's Judgment of Our Generation Depends on Climate Summit  

Rossijskaya Gazeta, Russia: Gorbachev: Dialogue Only Way to Resolve Korea Crisis


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In this atmosphere of chaos, France is trying to impose some order. Nicolas Sarkozy rallied support for his proposal on Brazil, a key nation because of its booming development and its possession of the Amazon, the largest forest in the world. A partnership is emerging with Africa, which is particularly vulnerable to global warming. The objective: To initiate a consensus and to bring in other major countries. 



Whether there is an agreement in Copenhagen or not, the creation of a global organization to oversee the environment is required to end the rat race.









































Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Dec. 16, 10:39pm


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