
Presidents Obama and Calderon: Is the Mexican leader

too permissive when it comes to the United States?



La Jornada, Mexico

Churchill Reborn? Calderon's Proclivity Toward the U.S.


"When there are rumors that the U.S. is installing military bases in the country; when there are confrontations within the Executive over whether U.S. overflights have been authorized and whether they were requested or ignored; when there is talk of a failed state, I don't think it's too much to turn on our antennae, even if that characterizes us as paranoids."


By Javier Jiménez Espriú



Translated by Jason Ross


June 6, 2011


Mexico - La Jornada - Original Article (Spanish)

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: Is Mexican President Calderon suffering delusions of grandeur comparing himself to the august statesman?


NEWS NTN24 NEWS [Colombia]: U.S. drones over Mexico to scout for drug gangs, May 7, 00:00:50RealVideo

I became concerned when listening to parts of President Calderón's high-minded harangue and beration of his colleagues. Well nowadays, his harangues of anyone and everyone are high-minded - as he hopes to get people into the streets to spread the word, according to him, of the "immense achievements of his administration." I was just as astonished by the exaggerated invocation of Winston Churchill's celebrated "Blood, Toil and Tears" speech, and his definition of "victory" and "strategy" - in reference to his comparison of World War II and the "war that isn't a war" against organized crime - as I was by the stature of the people he invoked.


But my astonishment turned to immense concern when afterwards, I noticed an apparent "coincidence" regarding the two speeches, first, because I don't believe in such coincidences, and second, because what I'm referring to becomes, from my point of view, something extremely serious and grave. Allow me to explain.


I haven't believed in such "coincidences" since I learned upon reading Jean d'Ormesson, that it wasn't true to say, as I believed for many years, that Cervantes and Shakespeare died - what a coincidence! - on precisely the same day. Indeed, both literary figures died on the 23rd of April, 1616. However, the greatest literary figure of the Castilian-tongue ended his days in Madrid on Tuesday the 23rd, while the greatest English-language literary figure passed on to a better place in Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday, April 23rd. This apparent incongruity occurs because Cervantes lived in Catholic Spain, which followed the Gregorian Calendar, whereas Shakespeare lived in Protestant England, which followed the Julian Calendar. So in fact, Cervantes died 10 days before Shakespeare - not the same day.


So explains my doubts about coincidences. Returning to my original theme, I was so concerned, realizing again, that the English prime minister gave his celebrated speech on the May 13, 1940, and Calderón chose to foist his tirade on his staunchest supporters on precisely the 13th of May just passed, since I don't consider it a coincidence, but rather something predetermined and preconceived. I'm worried by the exaggerated gesture of megalomania reflected by the fact that Calderón considers his life and that of Winston Churchill as "parallel lives." Does he genuinely feel like the reincarnated Churchill? And therefore, will the president seek to expand on this parallel to extremes - short of receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature I suppose - given his proclivity toward our neighbors in the north, and try to repeat this sketch of history?  



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I approach this with fear, because there are still two occasions of June 6 remaining in the present federal administration, and as June 6th 1944 was the "D-Day" of the Normandy landings, I don't wish to twin that date with the landing of American forces in connection with the Merida Plan, to help us win the war against the "axis of cartels."


When there are rumors that the U.S. is installing military bases in the country; when there are confrontations within the Executive over whether U.S. overflights have been authorized and whether they were requested or ignored; when there is talk of a failed state and national security concerns on both sides of the border; when the U.S. is offered unrestricted access to our intelligence; or when ways to protect "unarmed” foreign agents in our country are discussed, I don't think it's too much to turn on our antennae, even if that characterizes us as paranoids.


But of course, if it's part of the president's political drawing board to consider shifting around these dates - it will only be the dates.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 8, 3:49pm]


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