Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on the ground in Managua Nicaragua,

for the inauguration of his 'friend', Nicaraguan President Daniel

Ortega, Jan. 11.



La Hora, Ecuador

'Welcome, Mahmoud!'


"We welcome you with jubilation. We don't care that you deny the Holocaust of the Jews or that you intend to wipe Israel off the map. … The complaints of our main trading partner [the U.S.] are of no concern. Nor is it a problem that we are just a tool for you to convince the world that you still have friends. … Mahmoud, we will be forever your chums."


By Luis A. Vivanco



Translated Guillermo Catilon


January 12, 2012


Ecuador - La Hora - Original Article (Spanish)

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad listens to a translation of a speech by President Hugo Chavez, welcoming him to, as Chavez like s to say, 'Our America.'

TELESUR NEWS VIDEO [STATE-RUN: Bolivia Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca calls U.S. meddling in the region 'unnacceptable', welcomes Iran's president to the region, Jan. 11, 00:01:04RealVideo

Mahmoud, I've been waiting for you. For so long you failed to show. Precisely five years. Five years … just imagine. We remember like it was yesterday, when you came to the inauguration of our beloved president [Rafael Correa]. It filled us with pride to know that we were finally part of a new axis. Some called it "evil," but we all knew that behind it all was pure and simple revolution.


It's just that we are so similar. Our markets are complimentary - and our trade is "going through the roof." Iran represents a whole 0.02 percent of our exports. It's an unadulterated bonanza! Thanks for shopping, and come again soon.


And like you, we live under a revolutionary regime, where the concept of universally-accepted human rights has been reinvented for the benefit of our ever-so noble civil servants. Both here and in Iran, we understand that freedom of expression is an obstacle to progress, and the official word is the squeaky-cleanest, most trustworthy - and the safest.


We have similar types of systems and have identified common enemies. For example, social networks. Created in the empire, this is how conspirators freely communicate to undercut our ideals, particularly when destabilizing events occur. Mahmoud, we have so much in common. But we still have so much to learn from you: You have managed to eradicate every opposing voice and independent thought. We are envious! Please show us the way.



We welcome you with jubilation. We don't care that you deny the Holocaust of the Jews or that you intend to wipe Israel off the map. Our answer is to agree with your thesis that nuclear enrichment is an innocent affair. Despite claims to the contrary, we are always at your side.


We know that the history of your people is different than ours- and that stoning women is nothing unusual for you. What obtuse minds people have, who believe that women's rights are universal? What yes-men and lackeys of empire!


The complaints of our main trading partner [the U.S.] are of no concern. No is it a problem that we are just a tool for you to convince the world that you still have friends. Mahmoud, we will be forever your chums. Mi casa es tu casa. [My house is your house].




El Universal, Venezuela: Ahmadinejad and Chávez: 'Our Weapon is Love'

El Tiempo, Colombia: What Good is Our New, U.S.-Free 'Community'?  

Estadao, Brazil: In Latin America, Rhetoric Triumphs Over Reality  

La Razon, Bolivia: Latin America Has Excluded the U.S. … So What Now?

ABC, Spain: Hugo Chavez Calls Terrorism Indictment a U.S.-Spanish Plot  

Folha, Brazil: Latin American Unity Cannot Be Dependent on Excluding the U.S.  

La Jornada, Mexico: Latin America's March Toward 'Autonomy from Imperial Center'

La Jornada, Mexico: Militarization of Latin America: Obama 'Ahead of Bush'

O Globo, Brazil: U.S. Navy Shows That What U.S. Can Do, Brazil Can Also Do  

Clarin, Argentina: Resurrected U.S. Fourth Fleet Creates Suspicion Across South America

Le Figaro, France: U.S. Navy 'Resurrects' Fourth Fleet to Patrol Latin America

Semana, Colombia: Hugo Chávez Isn't 'Paranoid' to Fear the U.S. Marines


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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US Jan. 12, 2:43am]


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