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Boston Marathon Blasts and Bombs in Iraq ... No Comparison (Kitabat, Iraq)


"With all due respect to the human soul, which is sacred wherever it is found, one cannot compare what happened in Boston to the explosions and shelling my people have had to endure, without knowing where they come from or when they will end. All they know is that from time to time, there will be piles of corpses. ... The explosions in Iraq yesterday ... have struck most corners of my country without anyone making speeches about the plight of the Iraqi people and the hell of random killing they must endure."


By Ali al-Katib


Translated By Talei Lakeland


‎April 19, 2013‏


Iraq - Kitabat - Original Article (Arabic)

A man stands in shock after witnessing one of a wave of car bombings across Iraq last year.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Iraq cities hit by wave of deadly bombings killing at least 27, Apr. 15, 00:01:16 RealVideo

Yesterday, after becoming addicted to monitoring political news, following events on television, and trying to fathom the twists and turns of media strategies, I stopped my channel hopping and stayed with one the Arabic channels. It was broadcasting news of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Americans had been preparing to participate in this annual race - only this time, the rules of the race were different: After the marathon was turned into a fireball, instead of trying to reach the finish line, they were using all the energy they had to find an escape route and come out alive. Athletes, police and ambulances all competed to get out of Boston's main square as unscathed as possible, and rescue what they could, all the while fearing that there could be another series of explosions or that this might be the start of a larger attack, especially as the nightmares of the World Trade Center attacks still haunt the American psyche.


I do not wish to go into exhaustive detail about the fallout of the marathon bombings, nor how the attack was planned or what it meant. Every political interpretation, dissection and analysis, center on whether: the act was planned in advance by enemies of the American regime - of which there are thankfully many, even if most have no power at all; whether it was a message from the North Korean boy that should be considered with care by the U.S. Congress; it was a statement by international forces or entities that have been negatively affected by U.S. policies that create instability for nations and peoples; or whether it was something masterminded behind closed doors at the White House to be used as an excuse to achieve objectives to satisfy the agenda of the American eagle - a scenario that would reprise the events of 9-11 and their impact on the global stage.


I shall restrain myself from going into greater detail. What caught my attention was that among American citizens and on a government level, there was a mood reminiscent of a call to arms, moment-by-moment coverage of the effects of the attack, accompanied by statement after statement from officials allaying the fears of Americans on one hand, and clarifying matters on the other. They didn't accuse anyone, nor did they claim to have caught the perpetrators or know who is behind the bombings. They neither deceived their people nor criticized the work of the intelligence services.


All this is by way of introducing the point I want to make, which I hope will be of interest to those in Baghdad. Obama appeared in front of the American people to explain the truth of what happened to them, indicating that those responsible for the Boston attack would be found as quickly as possible, even if the number of fatalities didn't exceed three. With all due respect to the human soul, which is sacred wherever it is found, one cannot compare what happened in Boston to the explosions and shelling my people have had to endure, without knowing where they come from or when they will end. All they know is that from time to time, there will be piles of corpses.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


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The explosions in Iraq yesterday, which have struck most corners of my country without anyone making speeches about the plight of the Iraqi people and the hell of random killing they must endure, clearly illustrates the truth of what has happened and is happening … For anyone who feared that chaos would result with the release of information on the identities of those responsible for bombings in Iraq, your fears were confirmed. Chaos on the streets of Iraq was indeed created - even before the issue reached the Iraqi National Assembly.


[Editor's Note: Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has threatened his political opponents with “dangerous revelations against them.” In an interview with the state-funded Al-Iraqiya Channel, he explained his refusal to respond to demands for a National Assembly hearing on recent security violations. He said, “If I attend the hearing, I will turn things upside down. I will reveal the files and names of the members of the National Assembly who were implicated in terrorist acts. I will point fingers at each and every one of them for this bombing and that.”]



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O Globo, Brazil: Terrorist Attacks Must Not Prompt 'Laws of Exception'

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Times of India, India: Boston Calls for Support of America, Not Criticism of it

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Le Figaro, France: From Boston to Guantanamo: Protecting Freedom When it Hurts

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Belfast Herald, North Ireland: Northern Ireland Understands Pain, and Stands With Boston

Der Spiegel, Germany: Show of Solidarity: Europe Outraged by Boston Attack
Debka File, Israel: Saudi Terror Cell, Possibly al-Qaeda, Behind Boston Bombings
Jerusalem Post, Israel: Boston, Israel and the Demands of Resilience

Sotal Iraq, Iraq: Will Americans Learn the Right Lesson from Boston Bombings?

Telegraph, U.K.: Boston Marathon Bombings - 'America the Vulnerable'

SCMP, Hong Kong: U.S. Coverage of Boston Bombing 'Holds Lessons' for China

Guardian, U.K.: After the Bomb, Mass Hysteria is Boston Terrorist's Greatest Weapon
BBC News, U.K.: Obama's Cautious Approach on Boston Attacks
Daily Mail, U.K.: 'Murdered at the Marathon'

Telegraph, U.K.: Boston Marathon is the Oldest in the World




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Posted By Worldmeets.US Apr. 19, 2013,12:29am