A makeshift memorial on the campus of Boston University for graduate

student Lu Lingzi, a China citizen killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.



After Boston Marathon Attack, Humanity Must 'Look Within Itself' (The Nation, Pakistan)


"As a whole, humanity must look within itself and reflect on how matters reached such a point. It would be tempting to blame, allege, belittle and bemoan, but ultimately, the reality is that humanity the world over feels unsafe. How can we protect ourselves once and for all from hate and despair? No single nation has the answer, so for now, we all suffer."




April 17, 2013


Pakistan – The Nation – Original Article (English)

The aftermath of a suicide attack in Quetta, Pakistan. Almost everday occurrences in some countries, is it time for collective humanity to address the underlying issues that have brought us to such a point?

BBC NEWS VIDEO, U.K.: Terrorist raid on Peshawar power plant kills seven, April 2, 00:00:49RealVideo

Two blasts targeting the finish line at the Boston Marathon, killing four and leaving 100 injured, and a third blast rocking the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, are without a shadow of a doubt completely condemnable and utterly reprehensible.


As things stand, it would be premature to point a finger at the perpetrators, since the investigation is still in the initial stages. Nevertheless, there is a consensus that this is a terrorist attack. Some quarters have been quick to indulge in callous and disgusting schadenfreude, citing Pakistan's own crippling losses which number in the thousands. But innocent lives lost, no matter where they occur, must not be treated with the indignity of political point scoring.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


In this spirit, given the attacks in Boston, the deaths of 30 at a wedding party in Afghanistan, including several young children, not to mention deaths in Peshawar, perhaps Pakistan ought to take the lead. As a whole, humanity must look within itself and reflect on how matters reached such a point. It would be tempting to blame, allege, belittle and bemoan, but ultimately, the reality is that humanity the world over feels unsafe. How can we protect ourselves once and for all from hate and despair? No single nation has the answer, so for now, we all suffer.


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Sotal Iraq, Iraq: Will Americans Learn the Right Lesson from Boston Bombings?

Telegraph, U.K.: Boston Marathon Bombings - 'America the Vulnerable'

SCMP, Hong Kong: U.S. Coverage of Boston Bombing 'Holds Lessons' for China

Guardian, U.K.: After the Bomb, Mass Hysteria is Boston Terrorist's Greatest Weapon
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Daily Mail, U.K.: 'Murdered at the Marathon'

Telegraph, U.K.: Boston Marathon is the Oldest in the World



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Posted By Worldmeets.US Apr. 17, 2013, 8:19pm