In spite of major advances in life and the appearance of dozens of children oriented cable channels, the traditional and class

Umar Farouk Abdul Muttalab: The entire Muslim world

is paying for his attempted murder of innocent people.



Hespress, Morocco

An Open Letter to Umar Farouk Abdul Muttalab


"My mind won't absorb acts and behaviors so disconnected from reality! … Ask Allah for forgiveness, repent and review your beliefs. First among those, would be to convince yourself that people don't enter Paradise on boats flowing across rivers of innocent blood!"


By Mohammad Al Raji



Translated By Nicolas Dagher


January 7, 2010


Morocco - Hespress - Original Article (Arabic)

I'm trying to imagine the young suicide bomber, Umar Farouk Abdul Muttalab, sitting in his seat on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on the way from the Dutch capital of Amsterdam to the city of Detroit. There he was, just waiting for the right moment to set off his explosives to destroy the aircraft and all of its passengers, whether they were Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist - or had no religious affiliation. I'm trying to understand how a young man can be driven by such thoughts, but I can't, because my mind won't absorb acts and behaviors so disconnected from reality!


I understand that Umar is angry with the rulers of America, the West - and those who rule Arabs and Muslims. I understand that like us, he feels a pulsating pain when he sees the barbarism being meted out to Palestinians by occupying Israeli soldiers. But what wrong has been done by the passengers, whose lives you, Umar, were prepared to end before your failed attempt? What did they do to you and what fault are they guilty of? Don’t you know that Allah said in his Holy Book: "Whoever kills one soul, it's as if he had killed all of humanity?”


Umar, if you were as courageous as you think, you would have gone to the occupied Palestinian Territories, and not to blow up buses of civilians, but to confront the pawns of occupation. But you didn't, preferring to show the world your imaginary power in the skies over Detroit, before joining the Houris of Paradise as promised to you by those who brainwashed you of all that is good, and who filled your mind with hatred, grudges and many undoubtedly false dreams - because no one knows of the afterlife except Allah Almighty!



Here is where you pay the price for what you did, and you should thank Allah that you didn't kill anyone - even if you intended to do so. You might have a long life ahead of you, if Allah grants it and the execution needle doesn't send you to the hereafter in a hurry. Ask Allah for forgiveness, repent and review your beliefs. First among those, would be to convince yourself that people don't enter Paradise on boats flowing across rivers of innocent blood!


Umar Farouk Abdul Muttalab, you are a citizen of Nigeria, but the Americans and the West don't care about your nationality. They aren’t concerned about whether you are Nigerian, Somali or from Burkina Faso, because you have a nationality that is larger and more comprehensive - which is the nationality of Islam. When they mention you they say you're a young Muslim man. In my opinion, this is a great catastrophe for all Muslims, because in the eyes of the West, you represent all of us. Reinforcing this view is that we never demonstrate or denounce the deeds of al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations that kill innocent people in our name and on behalf of our religion. It's as though we're saying we support what you do, albeit indirectly! Therefore Umar, I have decided to demonstrate against you and tell you in the highest voice possible that I am not proud that the two of us share the same religion!   




Daily Independent, Nigeria: Terror Means Coddling of Rich Nigerians Must End

Sotal Iraq, Iraq: Christmas Day Plot Another Case of 'Terror on Demand'

Ad Dustour, Jordan: Christmas Day Terror Plot Looks Like a Set-Up

Financial Times Deutschland, Germany: We've Succumbed to 'Terror Hysteria'

The Independent, U.K.: Scanners Wouldn't Have Seen 'Underwear Bomb'

Nachrichten, Switzerland: Terror in the Sky: Christmas Isn't What it Used to Be

Daily Independent, Nigeria: After Terror Scare, Nigerians 'Unduly Stigmatized'

Le Figaro, France: Al-Qaeda: Obama Must Walk in the Footsteps of Bush

NRC Handelsblad, Netherlands: Terror and the Illusion of Complete Safety

The Daily Sun, Nigeria: Christmas Bomb Suspect's Family Issues Statement

Elaph, United Kingdom: America Should 'Hire Private Jets for Muslims'



Since the national security of the United States became threatened anew, some have denounced President Obama for using the term “terrorist" for the first time since entering office when talking of Umar Farouk Abdul Muttalab. It's as though they want him to call this suicidal young man a man of peace, even though evil sparks come from his eyes!


Now the image of Muslims will deteriorate further in the eyes of the world. Our image will never improve if we don't condemn what Umar did and convince the world, if only through words, that ignorant people like this are not part of us and that their deeds have no connection to the sacred religion of Islam.



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Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Jan. 14, 8:12pm


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