The 14th Dalai Lama, Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe
Tenzin Gyatso,
after blessing a new temple and statue of the
Buddha, during a visit to the Yeunten Ling
Institute in Belgium,
May 24. Is there a contradiction when he or the Catholic Pope
accept CIA assistance in pursuit
of freedom for their people?
Dalai Lama ‘Rambo’
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
“The doctrine of
two swords exists not only in Christianity, but in the Buddhist tradition as
well. The spiritual and temporal swords should work together
to heal the world - for example, liberate it from communism. Pope John
Paul II maintained connections with the CIA that were central to the Eastern
Bloc collapsing without so much as a murmur. … In his early days, the other ‘Holiness’ also
took advantage of CIA assistance, as documentary filmmaker Lisa Cathey reminds us.”
By Christian Geyer
Translated By Stephanie
June 6, 2012
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- Original Article (German)
The doctrine of two
swords exists not only in Christianity, but in the Buddhist tradition as
well. The spiritual and temporal swords should work together
to heal the world - for example, liberate it from communism. Pope John
Paul II maintained connections with the CIA that were central to the Eastern
Bloc collapsing without so much as a murmur. The intelligence support of the
Polish trade union Solidarność is an open
secret, and was recently described in Carl Bernstein's book, His
In his early days, the other "Holiness" also took
advantage of the CIA's assistance, as documentary filmmaker Lisa Cathey reminds us: Excerpts from her soon-to-be-released
film CIA in Tibet can now be viewed on Kefiblog.com [See trailer below]. In the film, retired CIA operatives, from their
golf courses and their armchairs, talk about the old days: What it was like back
then in the fifties and sixties when Tibetan resistance fighters were trained
in the use of weapons, radio technology and guerrilla tactics in order to kill Chinese
in Chinese-occupied Tibet. After killing an animal, they prayed, but not when
they killed a Chinese, an early resistance fighter explains in the film.
Posted by Worldmeets.US
Today we can be certain: The Dalai Lama, icon of pacifism,
was pursuing - albeit reluctantly - armed resistance, as long as this
resistance was sponsored by the Americans. In 1971, a
special Tibetan unit fought with the Indian Army against today's Bangladesh. A
year later, the Dalai Lama participated as a guest of honor in a military
ceremony in India, during which those Tibetans who fought were awarded medals of
valor. The photos taken of the Dalai Lama on this occasion - which bristled
with weapons - could today be mistaken for the front page of Titanic [a satirical magazine
similar to The Onion in the U.S.].

The CIA in Tibet: A documentary by producer, director and
editor Lisa Cathey.
[Click Here or Click Photo to
Watch Trailer]
La Repubblica, Italy:
Guerilla Files Exposed: ‘CIA Funding for the Dalai Lama’
Wen Wei Po, Hong Kong:
'Mental Complexes'
Explain West's
Sympathy for Tibet
Xinhua, China:
Decision to Meet Dalai Lama Envoy Gets 'Positive Responses'
The Korea Times, South Korea:
America's 'Strange' Silence Over Crackdown in Tibet
Liberation, France:
Our Leaders and Athletes Must Do More for Tibet …
Global Times, China:
After Centuries of Plunder, West Shows 'Concern' for Rights
Global Times, China:
Nobel Peace Prize is Biased Toward the West
Global Times, China:
Exposing the 'Weak Rib'
of Olympic Politicization
Xinhua, China:
The Hypocrisy of Pelosi and 'Those of Her Ilk'
Xinhua, China:
Nancy Pelosi a 'Disgusting Figure'
People's Daily, China:
Pelosi 'Harms the Feelings of the Chinese People'
People's Daily, China:
U.S. House Speaker Pelosi 'Defies Law and
Global Times, China:
Most Americans, Even Nancy Pelosi, are Not 'Anti-China'
Two of the Dalai Lama's brothers were the contacts people for
the CIA and knew the details of the Tibetan guerilla struggle. In his
autobiography the Dalai Lama says, "My brothers thought it wise to keep
this information from me," which can be interpreted as
the wise self-reporting of a peacemaker asked about traces of violence during a
more ambiguous time.