Telegraph, U.K.]
Liberation, France
Our Leaders and
Must Do More
for Tibet …
"Heads of state could threaten to boycott the opening
ceremonies if the massacres in Lhasa continue, and if the repression across the
country doesn't diminish."
By François
Translated By Philippe Guittard
March 19, 2008
France - Liberation
- Original Article (France)
By choosing China to host the
Olympics, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), so obsessed with "sports
ideals," couldn't have made a more political choice. China itself has made
its Games a political issue, the symbol of its power, its economic dynamism and
its regional hegemony. For its part, the IOC defends itself against any
interference. It's as indifferent to the plight of the Tibetans as it was to
that of the Jews of Berlin in 1936. This is an untenable position. Especially
since the apparatchiks of the "Olympic movement" made such beautiful promises
when China was awarded the event. The Games should be a "force for good."
We know that in recent months,
in addition to the deaths in Tibet, hundreds of journalists, Netsurfers and
activists have been detained.
What can we do? Boycotting
the Games, which has been rejected by NGOs and the Dalai Lama, is no solution. That
would isolate the regime again and penalize its people. But it remains that in
between extreme censure and political indifference, there is room to maneuver.
The heads of state could threaten to boycott the opening ceremonies if the
massacres in Lhasa continue, and if the repression across the country doesn't
also have a role to play. Sport is not a bubble outside of society and its difficulties.
This is not to say that the duties of human rights activists should be imposed
on our athletes. Just that they should be involved and informed citizens. Like
the billions of spectators and TV viewers that will cheer their exploits this
[Posted by
WORLDMEETS.US March 19, 4:09am]