
For Beijing, a most unpleasant sight: House Speaker Pelosi on a visit

to the Dalai Lama and Tibet's government-in-exile and on Friday.



Xinhua, People's Republic of China

The Hypocrisy of Pelosi

and 'Those of Her Ilk' …


Is there any chance - if only to salvage any hope for a successful Olympic Games, Beijing will see reason in regard to its treatment of the Tibetans - or in fact in regard to criticism from anyone?  It seems not. In regard to Speaker Pelosi's visit with the Dalai Lama in Northern India on Friday, Wang Jiaquan writes for China's rigidly state-controlled Xinhua news agency, 'For years, Pelosi and those of her ilk have peddled human rights as part of a set of universal values for bringing all countries under an international framework dominated by a handful of powers, but their double standards have turned the universal fantasy into a lie.'


By Xinhua writer Wang Jiaquan


March 23, 2008


People's Republic of China- Xinhua - Original Article (English)

BEIJING: Nancy Pelosi challenged her own conscience when on Friday, the U.S. House Speaker condemned China's legitimate actions against violence in Tibet, but turned a blind eye to the merciless rioters WATCH .


Apathetic to the innocent victims of the recent Lhasa rioting, Pelosi lost her own "moral authority to speak about human rights" when she acted as a defender of arsonists, looters and killers.


While in Dharamsala enjoying the hospitality of the orchestrators of the Lhasa riots, the U.S. Speaker became a muckraker of her own hypocrisy, when out of so-called concerns about human rights in Tibet she pompously condemned China.


The death toll of the Lhasa rioting reached 18 on Saturday, with the news that one family, including an eight-month-old boy, had been burned to death by rioters in their home. But in her attack on China, Pelosi showed no interest in denouncing human rights violators among the rioters.


Pelosi's double standards reveal her motives and those of her kind: their indignation is reserved only for occasions when their interests are best served.


"Human rights police" like Pelosi are habitually bad tempered and ungenerous when it comes to finding a lever to tarnish China, refusing to check their facts and dig for the truth of the case. Who is it that is really trampling on human rights? China or the rioters?



Her views are like so many other politicians and the Western media. Beneath the double standards hides their intention to serve the interest groups which stand behind them and which want to contain or smear China.


Pelosi also pierced - unintentionally - the bubble of so-called universal values - values which weren't broached at all during her speech in Dharamsala.   



For years, Pelosi and those of her ilk have peddled human rights as part of a set of universal values for bringing all countries under an international framework dominated by a handful of powers, but their double standards have turned the universal fantasy into a lie.


When Pelosi lashed out in the name of justice in Dharamsala, didn't her own conscience also feel the whip?




The Global Geographic Times, People's Republic of China

Exposing the 'Weak Rib'
of Olympic Politicization




















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US March 24, 12:52am]

House Speaker Pelosi, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and Pelosi's delegation at a public reception at the Namgayal complex in Dharamsala, March 21.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi calls on all people of conscience to rally to the Tibetans, Mar. 21, 00:01:34RealVideo

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: Analysis of the Dalai Lama's role in the Tibet uprising, Mar. 23, 00:04:19RealVideo

RealVideo[LATEST NEWS PHOTOS: Pelosi Visits Dalai Lama].

—FRANCE 3 TV Documentary: Tibet: The Story Of A Tragedy, 00:55:43RealVideo

A Buddhist monk awaits the arrival of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in Dharamsala, March 21.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, right, speaks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in New Dehli on March 20.