
[International Herald Tribune, France]



Excélsior, Mexico

Mexicans Uniquely Alarmed by Arizona Shooting Attack


"Giffords has been a lawmaker that has repudiated her state's controversial law SB 1070. She is an advocate of realistic immigration rules that would allow a path to legalization, with the goal of bringing some order to a broken immigration system. And so the politicians of the Tea Party, led by Sarah Palin, have focused their attention on her and any politician that doesn't cling to their ideas and discourse of anger and violence."


By Ana Paula Ordorica



Translated By Molly Smith


January 10, 2010


Mexico - Excélsior - Original Article (Spanish)

Jared Lee Loughner: In his mug shot, the 22-year-old certainly appears to relish the role of psychopathic killer.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Assessing the political fallout from the shooting in Arizona, Jan. 9, 00:02:18RealVideo

The inflammatory language in U.S. politics has surpassed acceptable limits. The warning lights lit up this weekend with the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, at a community event at a supermarket in Tucson where an individual arrived, drew a gun, and opened fire.


He killed five people including a little girl, a federal judge and at the time of this writing, Giffords is in critical condition, struggling between life and death.


Giffords has been a lawmaker in the liberal-wing of the Democratic Party who has repudiated her state's controversial law SB 1070. She is an advocate of realistic immigration rules that would allow a path to legalization, with the goal of bringing some order to a broken immigration system.


And so the politicians of the Tea Party, led by Sarah Palin, have focused their attention on her and any politician that doesn't cling to their ideas and discourse of anger and violence.


As recently as last November’s elections, Palin posted a map of the United States showing states with congressmen who were targets of her attacks in the crosshairs of a rifle. Twenty lawmakers were on this list. Giffords was one of them.


What was a metaphor for Palin was a reality for the individual who showed up Saturday at a Safeway supermarket. He arrived with his gun in hand and opened fire on Giffords and those around her.


The rhetoric of intolerance in the U.S. is worrying. That was the message we heard from Obama, Palin, as well as politicians on the left and right, all alarmed by what happened in Tucson.


In Mexico, this intolerance affects us directly, because unfortunately, the brunt of it is aimed at immigrants - and not only illegal ones. Even if the primary suspect in the Giffords shooting isn't of Hispanic origin.


Besides repudiating politicians who disagree with laws like SB 1070, almost anything having to do with Hispanics, Latinos or Mexico are rejected in Arizona.


The New York Times published an article this weekend that recounted the unhappy fate of Mexican-American studies programs in Arizona schools. They have been declared illegal.


Branded as a propagandistic subject that brainwashes students into believing that Latinos are an oppressed class in the U.S., prohibition of the subject has now been passed into law, and as a result, current school curricula must now be dismantled. 




El País, Spain: Tea Party 'Endangers Health' of American Democracy

Estadão, Brazil: The Massacre in Arizona: Will America Ever Learn?

News, Switzerland: The Day Hope Was Shot, in America and Europe

Der Spiegel, Germany: Blaming Sarah Palin for Tucson Attack is 'Wrong'

Rheinische Post, Germany: America's 'Intellectual Instigators' of Hatred

Berliner Morgenpost: Mutual Respect: What U.S. Owes Itself, World

Polityka, Poland: America in Anger's Clutches

Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria: Massacre in Tucson: 'A Sad Day for U.S.

Guardian, U.K.: Arizona Shootings: Left, Right at Odds Over Effects of Toxic Politics

TLZ, Germany: America's Hate-Filled Rhetoric 'Unworthy of a Democratic Nation'

Telegraph, U.K.: Will Obama Stand Up to Left's Exploitation of National Tragedy?

Guardian, U.K.: Shooting of Giffords Highlights 'Man-Up' Culture in U.S. Politics


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This only applies to subjects relating to Mexican-American studies, and not other similar programs of study such as African-American, Asian or Native American.


This is a complicated topic for Mexicans, particularly because right now in Mexico, Central American immigrants continue to disappear or be kidnapped and killed. Our rhetoric in defense of our compatriots in the United States can be dismissed by the simple response, “don’t come asking us not to do here, what happens every day on a more violent level in your country.”





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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US January 14, 9:54pm]


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