
[The Telegraph, U.K.]



El Watan, Algeria

The 'Madness' of Copenhagen


"The rescue of the financial system that underpins economic liberalism seems to have become more important than saving the planet itself. The world's mighty have neither the capacity nor the will to change the course of history, convinced as they are that the perpetual pursuit of profit remains the only path."


By Ali Bahmane


Translated By Lisa Cabral


December 18, 2009


Algeria - El Watan - Original Article (French)


A demonstrator at the climate summit in Copenhagan, makes his feelings known, as negotiations ended in disappointment for most, Dec. 19.


NTV KENYA NEWS VIDEO: Copenhagen climate deal better than nothing but lacks binding committments, Dec. 19, 00:02:15RealVideo

Everything leads one to believe that Copenhagen will leave behind a bitter taste - particularly for those who nursed the illusion that the grave environmental peril that imminently menaces the planet would suffice to transcend ideology or the selfishness of the well-off. Short of a miracle, the industrialized countries will be tempted not to commit by 2020 to a 40 percent cut in emissions compared to 1990, contenting themselves with less than half that - a result that would distance them considerably from the limits fixed by scientists who are sounding the alarm. The earth's future is about to be terribly sacrificed on the alter of the calculations and interests of the rich, who are convinced that making concessions for the climate would likely “bring suffering” to the standard of living of their people. It's a thesis that was bitterly defended by President Bush, who is now joined by Obama, who has stepped down from his pedestal, aligning himself against his electoral promises with the egotistical and shortsighted leaders of the developed world.



The powerful have stayed deaf to the calls of the more enlightened strata of their own societies just as they have remained indifferent to the grave concerns of the third world: a reversal in Copenhagen would automatically mean a dramatic worsening of poverty and the exclusion of the have-not countries, all of which have suffered enough due to the unbridled ravaging of the planet for two centuries - a mad rush in pursuit of economic growth. Africa is the continent most vulnerable to climatic variations - including their economic and social effects. In the Danish capital, the developed countries have deigned to devote only $10 billion over three years, a pittance given the insistent needs of the continent, and scandal when one knows that the assistance offered to banks that fell victim to the economic crisis reached no less than $3 trillion.


[The Telegraph, U.K.]



Liberation, France: Global Cooperation - Gone Like a 'Mirage'

Le Monde, France: Copenhagen Climate Talks - 'Failure and Disappointment'

Le Figaro, France: The Climate and the Challenge of Governing a Planet

Der Spiegel, Germany: Gunning Full Throttle Into the Greenhouse  

Estadao, Brazil: The Rich Show Their Hand at Copenhagen

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia: Gorbachev Presses World Leaders to Deliver on Climate

Kurier, Austria : Potentially Negligent Mass Murder: Climate Change Must Be Faced

Guardian Unlimited: Climate Summit in 'Disarray' After Leak of 'Danish Text'  

Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: 'Grotesque Behavior' of Climate Powers

Financial Times Deutschland, Germany: Beijing Instead of Copenhagen  

Hurriyet, Turkey: History's Judgment of Our Generation Depends on Climate Summit  

Rossijskaya Gazeta, Russia: Gorbachev: Dialogue Only Way to Resolve Korea Crisis


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The rescue of the financial system that underpins economic liberalism seems to have become more important than saving the planet itself. That is the historic limitation of the Copenhagen Summit: the mighty of this world have neither the capacity nor the will to change the course of history, convinced as they are that the absolute and perpetual pursuit of profit is still the only path likely to lead the human species toward well being and happiness. The collapse of the communist bloc and the spectacular turnabouts of China and Russia comfort them in their convictions. Such blindness leads directly, in the near term, to the planetary loss of millions of plant and animal species and the submergence of large amounts of land, resulting in millions of refugees and dead; and in the medium term (the end of the century?), to the outright extinction of all life on earth.











































Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Dec. 20, 4:55pm


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