…chancellor Jaime Bermudez when he complained to the pompous Unasur for their silence to Hugo Chavez’ continued aggressions


[El Espectador, Colombia]



El Tiempo, Colombia

Obama Will 'Regret' Failure to 'Back Up' Colombia


"One day he'll regret not backing up his only genuine ally in the region, which hasn't been bought off by Chavez' petrodollars, has extradited hundreds of drug traffickers and substantially cut the production and export of cocaine so that less white powder reaches the noses of U.S. addicts."


By Mauricio Vargas


Translated By Liz Essary


November 24, 2009


Colombia - El Tiempo - Original Article (Spanish)

Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez was completely in the right when he complained to the pompous Unasur [Union of South American Nations] for its silence in regard to the ongoing aggressions of Hugo Chavez. These aggressions are no longer just verbal, as demonstrated by the demolition of two pedestrian bridges on the [Colombia-Venezuela] border, and the indifference of the Chavez regime over the murders, on their own land, of a group of humble Colombians. The fact of the matter is that a founding member and president of Unasur threatened a neighbor with war and carried out actions worthy of a terrorist organization, none of which has warranted a single comment from Unasur as an institution, nor from the governments that comprise it.


[Brazil President] Lula is silent. [Chilean President] Mrs. Bachelet, who has declared how worried she is about U.S. use of Colombian military bases, has also turned a blind eye. [Argentine President] Mrs. Fernandez de Kirchner, forget about it, but of course she has a briefcase with $800,000 that Chavez sent her to justify himself. This is a cowardly and indignant silence. It is the silence of the many that prevailed when the Nazis carted away the Jews to concentration camps. This passivity later cost the indifferent dearly, because the Nazis eventually came for them as well. If this region allows Chavez to behave this way toward Colombia, its leaders must be aware that the psychopath's fury will eventually turn against them.



U.S. military officers leave Colombia's Foreign Ministry building after U.S.

Ambassador William Brownfield, along with Colombian ministers, signed a

Deal which, among other things, allows the U.S. to operate seven military

bases on Colombian territory, Oct. 30.



Ultimas Noticias, Venezuela: Chavez: 'Prepare for War ... Colombia Now in U.S. Hands'  

El Universal, Venezuela: In Case of War, Venezuela Will Have to Confront 'Fifth Column'  

Granma, Cuba: Fidel Castro - 'The Annexation of Colombia to the U.S.'

The Times, U.K.: Chavez tells Venezuela Troops to 'Prepare for War' with Colombia

El Universal, Venezuela: 'Peace Prize' Winner Should Close All U.S. Military Bases  

Semana, Colombia: U.S. Military Bases are Alright, Under One Condition ...

La Jornada, Mexico: The Militarization of Latin America: Obama Already 'Ahead of Bush'  

Adnkronos, Italy: Chavez Lauds Oliver Stone; Wants to 'Help' Obama  

Clarin, Argentina: Resurrected U.S. Fourth Fleet Creates Suspicion in South America    

O Globo, Brazil: U.S. Navy Shows That What America Can Do, Brazil Can Do As Well

La Jornada, Mexico: U.S. Navy 'Resurrects' Fourth Fleet to Patrol Latin America


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And what can be said about the administration of Barack Obama, who seems so comfortable in his silence. One day he'll regret not managing to back up his only genuine ally in the region, which hasn't been bought off by Chavez' petrodollars, like ousted Manuel Zelaya and many others, and has extradited hundreds of drug traffickers and substantially reduced the production and exportation of cocaine so that less white powder reaches the noses of U.S. addicts.


One exception is worth mentioning: The Brazilian senate. Lula’s friends and opponents have blocked approval of Venezuela's admission to Mercosur [Mercado Comum do Sul or the Southern Common Market], after making it clear that Brazil cannot favor a member that threatens war on a daily basis with a privileged trade agreement. Moreover, what seems to be spreading in the region is a mixture of cowardly panic and indifference.


And if it’s raining outside the country, it’s pouring inside. Silence also abounds among the opposition. Not even [leading opposition Senator] Gustavo Petro, who won so many votes by confronting Chavez during the investigation that made him a viable candidate, has returned to sing a different tune. On the Liberal Party side, there's nothing at all. Even someone with a record like former President, Liberal Party chief and member of the Council on Foreign Relations César Gaviria’s, who incidentally, President Álvaro Uribe lacked the wisdom to appreciate - has also been silent. [Former President] Ernesto Samper [1994-98] has stood up - but in favor of Chávez. [Former President] Andrés Pastrana [1998-2002], who during his time also suffered the meddling of Chavez, instead of rejecting this new aggression, has now offered himself as a mediator!


President Chavez tells his people to 'prepare for war' with Colombia

and the U.S., during his weekly radio and TV show, Hello, President.



This isn't about their voices rising up one by one to the insults of the little tyrant of Miraflores [the Venezuela presidential palace]. No. That’s where Uribe, Foreign Minister Bermúdez, and Defense Minister Gabriel Silva took the right decision to avoid any provocation. But at the same time, they have been energetic in defending Colombia's position. Couldn’t opposition leaders do the same?  



Uribe has accumulated a large number of mistakes in recent months, particularly with his reelection effort and the corruption unleashed by the government machine to blackmail lawmakers into approving the referendum [on ending presidential term limits] through Congress. But for the opposition to remain silent and look the other way as Uribe confronts aggression from Chavez is quite a stretch. A stretch that the voters may penalize them for next year.


























































Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Nov. 28, 4:05pm


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