[El Espectator,
U.S. Military Bases
are Alright, Under One Condition ...
"It's essential that the
Marines who come to our country be openly gay, so that 'sodomite' U.S. troops
contaminate the Colombian troops. Some of them will come out of the closet,
others will knock the war mongers from their ranks to enlist more gays … the
world will no longer have wars but global orgies ... for those people will go beyond petty
national differences."
By Lucas Ospina*

Translated By Liz Essary
September 30, 2009
Colombia - Semana -
Original Article (Spanish)
“We should find new solutions
for new problems.” These are words spoken in 1962 by thinker Ignatius J. Reilly, someone
from the United States who lived out the better part of his existence in New
Orleans, was a pupil of John Kennedy Toole and molded his philosophy out of the
works of medieval philosopher Boecio.
This logic was
one of the cornerstones of the philosophical tradition developed by O'Reilly, and his ideas could be of great
benefit to the nations to the south of the southern United States.
[Editor's Note: The writer is
having some fun with his readers. Ignatius J. Reilly is the main character in John Kennedy Toole's novel
A Confederacy
of Dunces, a book considered, according to Wikipedia, "an
important part of the 'modern canon' of Southern U.S. literature." Toole
was a New Orleans novelist].
Given the critical juncture Colombia
finds itself in due to the installation of seven U.S. military bases on its
territory and the predominance of belligerent, dictatorial models of government,
one of O'Reilly's social engineering proposals stands out for its uniqueness.
It's important to note that O'Reilly
was a great observer of the masses, working in factories where he tried to raise
awareness among workers about their living conditions, and for a time ran a
hotdog cart that allowed him to walk the streets of New Orleans, getting to
know all sorts of characters, including residents of the French Quarter.
It was thanks to an encounter
with homosexual bohemian Dorian Green that O'Reilly
had a revelation: “My intelligence, unruly and exuberant as ever, whispered to
me such a bold and majestic plan that I shuddered at the very idea I was
hearing. 'Stop!' I cried, imploring
my divine intelligence. 'This is
"But even so - I heard
the advice of my brain. I was being offered a chance to Save the World Through
Degeneracy. There, in the worn out cobblestones of the French Quarter, I sought
the help of another wilted flower of a man, asking him to muster his most
demented friends and unite under a banner of brotherhood.”
The plan that O'Reilly put forth in his writings
consisted of reuniting Dorian Green and all of his “sodomite [homosexual”
friends to infiltrate the military and upper echelons of government:
“Our first step will be to
elect one of them to a very high position: The presidency, if Fortuna smiles upon
us. Then they would have to infiltrate the military. As soldiers are always fraternizing
among themselves, they would make their uniforms fit like sausage casings
[tight fitting], invent a new variety of combat uniform and throw cocktail
parties, etc. Who would ever have time to fight?”
On the ability of the country's military or civilian leader, which is
the issue of concern to us - O'Reilly
says, “Whoever we end up making head of state will deal only with his elegant
wardrobe, which would allow him to dress, according to his whim, as head of state
or a young girl."
O'Reilly's proposal isn't confined to the national sphere. It's expansionary.

[El Espectator,
“Upon watching the successes
of their comrades in uniform, the rest of the world's perverts will stand together and gain control of the military establishments
of their countries. In those reactionary countries where gays have trouble
taking control, we'll send help; we'll send gay rebels to help them
overthrow their governments. After we've
finally brought down all existing governments, the world will no longer have
wars but global orgies carried out with all protocol and in a truly
international spirit, for those people will go beyond petty national differences.
Their intelligence will have but one objective and they'll be truly united. They will think as one. … Degeneracy, rather
than being an indicator of a society's
decline, as in the past, will now be a sign of peace
for a troubled world.”
Colombia is an ideal
laboratory to bring to fruition O'Reilly's ideas. Given the characteristics of the
war and the international ramifications, this would be uniquely applicable
The North American bases will
be a beachhead. It is essential that the Marines who come to our country be
openly gay, so that the “sodomite” North American soldiers contaminate
Colombian troops. Some of them will come out of the closet, others will knock
the war mongers from their ranks to enlist more gays; the guerrillas and paramilitaries
will also be infiltrated and succumb to the same destiny, ergo, the
Venezuelan military will change its raison d'etre
and at the same time the Libyan and Iranian militaries would be infected. The
call will be extended to the Arab world, and from there it will be on to
Pakistan and Afghanistan, and finally the Russian and North American armies
will become possessed by this spirit. No one will stop this movement toward “opportunity,
justice and equality for all.”
"The solders in charge
of maintaining world peace will be a colorful and festive army and would no
longer participate in arms races. Instead, all kinds of trials and disputes would
be resolved in the men's room of the redecorated
United Nations."
"Ballets, Broadway-style
musicals and similar kinds of entertainment would flourish everywhere, and common
people will likely be much happier without the gloomy, aggressive, and fascist
proclamations of their former leaders …"
"Almost everyone else has
had the opportunity to rule the world. I don't
see why they shouldn't have theirs. It's obvious that most of the time, they've been the victims …” O'Reilly concludes.
It's evident that O'Reilly's bold proposal will be resisted at
first, because in the words of Jonathan Swift, “When a
true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign that the dunces
are all in confederacy against him.”
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 13, 3:57pm]