[The Telegraph, U.K.]
here for jumbo version]
El Espectador, Colombia
Bush's Book:
Crimes Again Unpunished for 'Reasons of State'
fact that a former president of the most powerful country in the world continues
to insist on justifying such reprehensible acts at torture is an affront to
civility and violates every norm of international coexistence."
Translated By Halszka Czarnocka
November 14, 2010
Colombia - El Espectador - Original Article
In recent weeks, several
pieces of information from the United States have come to light, all of which
have in common the fact that due to what is called “reasons of state,”
investigations into flagrant violations of human rights are to be filed away or
entirely blocked.
The issue isn't new and shows
how far disinformation and argumentative manipulation have gone to justify
certain kinds of atrocities.
The latest instance is the
publication of George W. Bush's memoir Decision Points. The book
justifies his decision to torture prisoners during the war against terrorism
with a dangerous argument that it “helped save lives.” One clear-eyed
journalist asked Bush if he agreed that this practice would be dangerous if
applied to U.S. citizens by another country. A disconcerted Bush eluded a
response. The fact that a former president of the most powerful country in the
world continues to insist on justifying such reprehensible acts is an affront
to civility and violates every norm of international coexistence.
In connection with this, it
has been learned that the U.S. Justice Department has decided not to press
charges against a senior CIA official who ordered the destruction in 2005 of 92
videotapes containing images of the torture of suspected al-Qaeda members in
2002. The videos were proof of the arbitrary manner in which the concept of
“anything goes” was applied, and which Bush justifies in his book. Although the
investigation into whether those practices were legal or not continues, there
is little optimism among human rights groups about a positive outcome.
Closely linked to the above
is the publication of official and classified documents about the war in Iraq
by WikiLeaks, which revealed how officials of various ranks from the country to
our north ignored or condoned acts of such as harmful and pernicious as the
murder of civilians by their own forces. Rather than offering reasonable
explanations for the allegations, U.S. authorities have preferred to criticize
the leak of documents and the fact that this endangers the lives of U.S.
troops. In other words, all indications are that nothing is going to happen
regarding these revelations.
Or at least - not much. It's
likely that after the passage of 60 years, the excuses will end, as recently
occurred when President Obama called the president of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom,
to inform him that research conducted by U.S. authorities between 1946 and 1948
included the infection of hundreds of Guatemalans (without their knowledge or
consent) with venereal disease viruses, in order to study their effects and
ways of combating them. Colom described the operation as a “crime against
humanity,” and U.S. Secretary of State Clinton described it as “abhorrent and
clearly unethical.” She's right and her attitude is deserving of praise.
Nevertheless, it comes too late when there's no one left to hold responsible
for these events.
Folha, Brazil:
The Moral of the U.S. Syphilis Experiments in Guatemala
Prensa Libre:
U.S. Compensation Should Aid Undocumented Guatemalans
El Periodico, Guatemala:
Guatemalans 'Opened Door' for Terrifying U.S. Experiments
El Periodico, Guatemala:
Doubts Over Guatemalan Complicity with U.S. Experiments
El Periodico, Guatemala:
U.S. Must Come Clean About 'Horrifying Experiment'
Siglo Vientiuno, Guatemala:
Words Inadequate to Describe U.S. Bio-Crime
El Periodico, Guatemala::
At Least in the United States, the 'Truth Eventually Emerges'
Curiously, in our country,
where we complain so much about impunity, investigations are advancing into
cases like the wiretapping scandal [of journalists and political figures], the
so called “false positives” [soldiers killing innocent civilians to boost the
number of liquidated guerrillas], the "Yidispolitics Scandal"
[bribes accepted by Congresswoman Yidis Medina to change Colombia's
Constitution], the Agro Ingreso Seguro [a corruption scandal in which
agricultural subsidies went to wealthy landowners rather than needy farmers].
And they continue despite the fact that they involve senior government
officials. Likewise, the government's attitude regarding the murder of children
in Tame, Arauca, has been recognized for its speed and transparency. [the
military has been implicated in the rape and murder of a young girl and then
the murder of her younger brothers]. This is the road to follow.
For all these reasons,
there's a feeling in Colombia regarding these events that, while we're still
waiting for court decisions, investigations that might have become bogged down
by the notion "reasons of state," i.e.: pernicious cover ups - are,
nevertheless, making progress. Thus it appears that we're distancing ourselves
from those, in the words of the ineffable Tola
and Maruja [Colombian comedy duo], who are “so incredibly moral, that they
sometimes achieve a moral double standard.”
The Observer, U.K.:
Bush's Memoir 'Entirely
in Keeping with the Man'
The Independent, U.K.:
George W. Bush Had Best Avoid London
Daily Mail, U.K.:
Why this Toadying to Bush the Bungler?
Der Spiegel, Germany:
Schröder Spokesman Questions Bush's Intelligence
Publico, Spain:
Torture Charges Filed Against Bush Legal Team
Die Tageszeitung, Germany:
America and Torture: 'Just Following Orders'
Die Presse, Austria:
How Much Torture Would You Like?…
Financial Times Deutschland: Hopes Dashed By 'George W. Obama'
Die Tageszeitung, Germany:
'An Arrest Warrant for George W. Please!'
Hurriyet, Turkey:
Dick Cheney's Torture Logic is 'Deeply Offensive'
Jornal de Noticias, Portugal:
Poverty and Torture: Bush Has Company in Europe
[Posted by
WORLDMEETS.US November 19, 8:59pm]