
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales with President Bush

in 2006: They may have to think twice before choosing to travel.



Die Tageszeitung, Germany

'An Arrest Warrant for George W. Please!'


"It may that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney don't regard being stuck in the U.S. for good as a severe punishment. But it would be an act of progress for civilization if the two knew that were they to land at Tegel [Berlin's main airport], they would be walked off in handcuffs."


By Robert Misik



Translated By Ulf Benche


April 24, 2009


Germany - Die Tageszeitung - Original Article (German)


Former Vice President Dick Cheney: His comments on the propriety of 'harsh interrogation techniques' have ignited an international debate on the decisions of both past and present U,S, administrations.


BBC NEWS AUDIO: North America editor Justin Webb explains why former Vice President Cheney has called for the release of further documents explaining where results have been achieved by using such techniques, Apr. 21, 00:04:32RealVideo

By reading the world press, it would appear that a most heinous violation of international law has been committed. Serious human rights violations have occurred. And since it's likely that even prosecutors read newspapers - whether they be somewhere in Spain or Berlin, one can assume that all known and unknown suspects will soon be identified - and should they be within reach of investigators, taken into custody.


The prime suspects alone, two al-Qaeda detainees, were subjected to the illegal torture of waterboarding 266 times. U.S. President Barack Obama has forbidden the barbaric practice, released secret documents and promised the CIA-torturers immunity from prosecution. But he left open the question of whether political leader are legally liable - because he didn't want prejudge a decision that lies within the parameters of various laws that are within the purview of the attorney general. That determination is primarily one of tactical political considerations.


But this must not prevent the International Community from becoming active. The International Criminal Court has prosecuted individuals for genocide and Judge Baltasar Garzón of Spain has launched an investigation into Pinochet's oppressive regime. After an international arrest warrant was issued, Pinochet had to expect being arrested when he left Chile.  




Publico, Spain: Torture Charges Filed Against Bush Legal Team; Judge Garzon Handles Case

Hurriyet, Turkey: Dick Cheney's Torture Logic is 'Deeply Offensive'

Die Tageszeitung, Germany: America and Torture: 'Just Following Orders'

Financial Times Deutschland, Germany: Obama: Inviting the Next Torture Scandal

Jornal de Noticias, Portugal: Poverty and Torture: Bush Has Company in Europe

Le Figaro, France: Obama's Moral Crusade: A Few Words of Caution

The Independent, U.K.: America Doesn't Need a Witch-Hunt

BBC News, U.K.: U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture Calls CIA Exemption 'Illegal'

Ottawa Citizen, Canada: Torture the 'Chicago Way'

Toronto Star, Canada: Winking at CIA Abuse


Those who are responsible for gross human rights violations should not so easily escape. It may be that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney don't regard being stuck in the U.S. for good as severe punishment. But it would be an act of progress for civilization if the two knew that were they to land at Tegel [Berlin's main airport], they would be walked off in handcuffs.





































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US April 25, 10:49pm]