
Protesters 'waterboard' at the Justice Department in Washington last year.



Die Presse, Austria

How Much Torture

Would You Like? …


"These enhanced interrogation techniques can safely be called 'torture,' even if the White House begs to differ - chiefly because Bush doesn't want to go down on history as the 'torture president' … but having lodged his veto against this law, he is well on his way to doing just that."


By Helmar Dumbs



Translated By Ulf Behncke


March 10, 2008


Austria - Die Presse - Original Article (German)

George W. Bush: The 'Torture President'? ...

With his veto, U.S. President George W. Bush has prevented a new anti-torture law.


After an average of 14 seconds, volunteers from the ranks of the CIA - who underwent "waterboarding" for test purposes - "cracked." The victim is given the feeling of drowning. These interrogations are designed to break the will of terror suspects who refuse to "sing."


Enhanced interrogation techniques” is the title of a document that lists the progressively brutal methods that the government of George W. Bush has provided to the CIA, and which has also been used by the Secret Service. Some of these methods can safely be called "torture," even if the White House begs to differ - chiefly because Bush doesn't want to go down on history as the "torture president."


But having lodged his veto against this law, which would have put a stop to the use of these techniques, he is well on his way to doing just that. Such a law would bind the hands of the CIA in their fight against "hardened terrorists." All right, those are tough guys and so we must show we're not squeamish, right?



Wrong - we must not. Because the provisions the anti-torture convention to which the United States is a signatory - must be considered absolute. Any exception would mean a crack in the dam and would invite demands to tighten the thumbscrews even further whenever t is deemed necessary. How much torture would you like? It's bad enough that a law is needed to explicitly forbid certain interrogation methods.





























[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US March 11, 11:17pm]