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Why Should We Care
About America's Presidential Election? (de Volkskrant,
The Netherlands)
"I couldn’t find a single mention of Ohio in Wednesday’s Volkskrant, so it seems I'm not the only one who has yet to be seized by U.S. election fever. ...
The importance of America has declined; a giant with feet of clay and a $16
trillion debt - a bankrupt country that has its hands too full with its own
problems to remain involved with the rest of the world. ... Why should I care
under which president it lives?"
By Bert Wagendorp

Translated By Marion Pini
September 28, 2012
Netherlands - de Volkskrant – Original Article
I have finished Paul Brill’s 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue (All About the American Elections), I
conscientiously read the latest election news on The New York Times’ Web site, I surf Politico.com and RealClearPolitics.com,
I call my American brother for news from the front and I read every column that
Arie Elshout, our man on
the ground, writes about the Romney-Obama duel.
There is no more I can do.
But on Tuesday, Anouchka
van Miltenburg was elected the 70th President of
the House of Representatives since Jan
Elias Nicholas Lynden Hoevelaken became the first
person to fill the post in 1815.
Then I caught myself reading the story of the VVD’s “smiling blabbermouth [Miltenburg]”
with more interest than articles I've been reading about the miraculous
developments in the state of Ohio, where Barack Obama is already deciding the
race for the presidency.
And of which, by the way, I couldn’t find a single mention in Wednesday’s Volkskrant,
so it seems I'm not the only one who has yet to be seized by U.S. election
Ohio: Fatal
In short: According to the polls, Obama leads by 8 to 10
percentage points in the battleground state of Ohio - and the Romney campaign
seems to have given up the fight there. That is fatal. Never in American
history has a Republican candidate lost Ohio and still managed to become
president. Furthermore, the people of Ohio have voted for the winner of the
last twelve presidential elections.
The finding of deadly patterns can safely be left to American
media - though it may soon be shown that Ohio miraculously votes for the loser
every twelve elections, provided his name starts with an R.
Four years ago, the question of whether America would choose
its first Black president made the election special. Moreover, Barack Obama
promised change and convincingly shouted "Yes We Can." He had hope on
offer, which is always attractive, and he had a catchy sales pitch as well.
Maybe that’s why in August last time around, I was already on the edge
of my seat.
Perhaps it is disappointment that change hasn’t really occurred
that is tempering interest in Obama’s reelection - even if of course it is nice
that he's the first Black president running for a second term, and one never
knows whether in the end he might still make that "change."
Worldmeets.US on Facebook
Perhaps in 2008, I
was still a politically naïve dreamer, and during the last four years, I have
become a "Realcolumnist." A man who has
seen it all and knows: even the most powerful man in the world is a rubber duck
on the waves of history - and that concept of power is highly overrated.
One Cairo speech does not make a spring - and even in 2009, I
thought the Nobel Peace Prize was curious.
by Worldmeets.US
And it could also be this: an intuitive feeling that the
importance of America has declined; a giant with feet of clay and a $16
trillion debt - a bankrupt country that has its hands too full with its own
problems to remain involved with the rest of the world. Why should I care under
which president it lives?
On Wednesday, at three o’clock in the morning, the first
Romney-Obama debate will be held in Denver. Total concentration, six-pack of Budweiser
to hand. If even then it doesn’t grab me, something has definitely changed.
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