Was John F. Kennedy's challenge to the FED behind his death?



Dallas 1963: Why the FED Struck Back! (Boulevard Voltaire, France)


"Almost immediately [after taking office], the East Coast bourgeois and carefree womanizer began to realize that something was amiss in this grand and beautiful democracy. One gets the impression of a genuine search for a way out. With almost suicidal political courage: he wants to gut the CIA, he wants to pull the military out of Vietnam, and most importantly, in June 4, 1963, he takes incredible decision to restore monetary sovereignty to the state! When he signed Executive Order 11110, it may have signed his own death warrant."




Translated By Pierre Guittard


November 25, 2013


France - Boulevard Voltaire - Original Article (French)

President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address to the American people warned of the 'overweening power' of the military industrial complex. Did his fears come to pass in the assassination of his successor, John F. Kennedy?


WEB VIDEO: President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, January 17, 1961, 00:15:46 RealVideo

President Kennedy is the story of a wealthy person of the left, who suddenly finds himself confronting the "machine," and begins to get the picture.


First of all, JFK would never have put his own buttocks in the Oval Office chair. His father, the influential Joe Kennedy, had marked the destiny of a statesman for his eldest son, but he fell in battle during the war and created a vacancy. His "substitute" was launched into the arena - pronto.


Facing off against Nixon, the future advocate of Pepsi Cola, Jack won the 1960 presidential election, snatching victory with support of pal's of his father. The mafia, that's right! At first, JFK was far from being a contemporary hero. The rights of Blacks, honestly, he fought for only in the crunch. OK, he was young , his wife radiated beauty, his country dominated the world. He ran for a term in a cushy office, and peppered it with his own people. People (in high places) thought JFK would hinder no one. And then, almost immediately, the East Coast bourgeois and carefree womanizer began to realize that something was amiss in this grand and beautiful democracy.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


Resonating in his head was likely Eisenhower's incredible speech of January 17, 1961 which, before leaving his office, warned of a possible takeover by an out-of-control "military-industrial complex"! It would have been impossible for Eisenhower to be less politically correct! [watch in photo box].


After the utter failure of a Cuba invasion, the famous "Bay of Pigs," JFK turned back the army hawks and genuine mafia dons who wanted them to retake their casinos from that bearded fucking coconut [Castro]! During the terrible October missile crisis of October 1962, as the world faced nuclear apocalypse, the young president kept his cool and refused to follow the crazy generals advocating a preventive attack on the USSR!


Added to this was the anti-mafia offensive by brother Bobby, Jack amassed more enemies every day. Was this the terrible malady that proved to him that he had little time left? Was this growing realization the source of his disgust? One gets the impression of a genuine search for a way out. With almost suicidal political courage: he wants to gut the CIA, he wants to pull the military out of Vietnam, and most importantly, in June 4, 1963, he takes incredible decision to restore monetary sovereignty to the state! When he signed Executive Order 11110, he may have signed his own death warrant. The FED, a consortium of private banks, which since 1913 has been granted a monopoly on the issuance of the dollar, was stunned. The business community, particularly those involved in armaments, and the mafia bosses, all thought the same thing: this jackass must be filled with lead.


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[Editor's Norte: Jim Marrs, in his book Crossfire, presented the theory that Kennedy was trying to rein in the power of the Federal Reserve, and that forces opposed to such action might have played at least some part in the assassination. According to Marrs, the issuance of Executive Order 11110 on June 4, 1963, was an effort by Kennedy to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve Notes with Silver Certificates. Operationally, this meant that the Treasury Department could issue currency without going through the FED, with every note it printed backed by silver bullion].


You know the rest of the story. A few months later, a "lone" sniper managed the Olympian feat of taking out the president as he rode in his blue Lincoln Continental. His brain exploded like a watermelon and an atmosphere of doom descended ... the pink suit soiled ...


El Tiempo, Colombia: John Kennedy's Murder Badly Hobbled Latin American Democracy
Der Spiegel, Germany: John F. Kennedy: 'Fascinated' ... and Puzzled, by Hitler's Germany
Argumenty i Facty, Russia: Why Would Anyone Want to Assassinate Barack Obama?
Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: 'Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama'
Die Welt, Germany: 'Enraged' at Soviets, Castro Turned to Ex-Nazis During Cuban Missile Crisis
Granma, Cuba: Bay of Pigs Led 'Inexperienced Kennedy' to Make 'Misguided Decisions' …
Der Spiegel, Germany: 'Bandits in Uniform': The Dark Side of GIs in Liberated France
Liberation, France: 'Redemption' and the Kennedy Clan
Nachrichten, Switzerland: The Kennedys: Dynasty to End All Dynasties
The People's Daily, China: Kennedys Inspire Great Families in Other Nations
El Tiempo, Colombia: Ted Kennedy: The World Has Lost a Champion
L'Express, France: Adieu, Senator Kennedy!
Die Welt, Germany: 'Enraged' at Soviets, Castro Turned to Ex-Nazis During Cuban Missile Crisis
Liberation, France: Obama: 'A Man Who Will Restore America's Image in the World'





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Posted By Worldmeets.US Nov. 25, 2013, 6:09am