President Obama and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at

the Church of the Nativity - said to be the birthplace of Jesus.

has the trip done anything to move the needle of peace talks?



Obama in Israel: No Fuel for His Limo - or for Peace Talks (Polityka, Poland)


"When the president's armored limousine rolled out of a plane at Ben Gurion Airport, it turned out that it couldn't move: someone by mistake fueled it with diesel instead of gasoline. Similarly, despite Obama's assertions that Palestinians have a right to their own fatherland, there is no indication they will have one anytime soon. As of now, neither is there fuel to propel peace talks."


By Roman Frister*



Translated By Katarzyna Wisniewska


March 27, 2013


Poland - Polityka - Original Article (Polish)

President Obama and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a joint news conference, March 20.


INTERNET VIDEO: Palestinians in Bethlehem vandalize Obama poster with swastikas and throw shoes to protest his visit, Mar. 21, 00:02:58RealVideo

One might say that a minor incident which occurred at the start of Barack Obama's visit to Israel comprises the metaphorical essence of all that will happen after he leaves.


When the president's armored limousine rolled out of a plane at Ben Gurion Airport, it turned out that it couldn't move: someone by mistake fueled it with diesel instead of gasoline. Similarly, despite Obama's assertions that Palestinians have a right to their own fatherland, there is no indication they will have one anytime soon. As of now, neither is there fuel to propel peace talks.


Media have appraised the U.S. president's two-day visit to Jerusalem as a great success. But for the most part, it was a success for a great orator; and then only of a capable politician. Obama knew what he was doing, when instead of a traditional speech to parliament [the Knesset], he met with students in large auditorium.


For several years, he has been speaking over the heads of politicians. Young people received him enthusiastically. "Living their entire lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements not just of those young people [Palestinians] but their parents, their grandparents, every single day. It's not just when settler violence against Palestinians goes unpunished. It's not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands; or restricting a student's ability to move around the West Bank; or displace Palestinian families from their homes," he asked? Thousands of young people chanted: no! no! no!


For Barack Obama, this was the voice of the people against the occupation of the West Bank. But spontaneous reactions from students don't shape policy, nor do they decide on concessions to the Palestinian Authority. This was also understood by the residents of Ramallah: as Obama visited the residence of Mahmoud Abbas, the crowd burned American flags in the street. Almost at the same time, Hamas fighters shelled Israeli villages near the Gaza border, and Iranian leader Ali Khamenei, in a televised address, threatened to raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground. Whatever Obama and his friendly audience may say, words cannot change reality.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


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The most important debate was taking place behind the tightly-closed doors of Prime Minister Netanyahu's residence. On the agenda was reaction to Iran's nuclear program, the rebellion in Syria, and the prospect of renewing diplomatic ties with Turkey. Obama has repeatedly stressed that the U.S. has and will remain an ally of the Jewish state. It is hard to predict to what extent this is a diplomatic statement or a concrete commitment.


*With Polityka for the past 16years, Roman Frister is the author of books translated into 11 languages. Arrested for sabotage as a Solidarity activist in Wroclaw in 1982, he emigrated to Israel, where he was editor of Haaretz newspaper and head of Tel Aviv University's School of Journalism. He is also a long-standing contributor to Radio Free Europe and BBC Polish.



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Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, Pal. Territories: Why Palestinian 'Naysayers' Protest Obama

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Zaman, Turkey: Arab and Israeli Extremists Teach Obama a Painful Lesson

El Pais, Spain: Coming in September: The U.N. 'Train Wreck' Over Palestine

Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria: Obama Reverts to Type on Palestine

Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, Palestine: After Obama's U.N. Veto: Awaiting the Arab Street

Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria: Obama's Disgrace Leaves Palestinians No Choice

Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, Palestine: U.S. 'Knesset' More Extreme than Israel's!

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Posted By Worldmeets.US Mar. 27, 2013, 8:59am