Telegraph, U.K.]
Novosti, Russia
The Americans
Finally Undertake 'Operation Saakasvili's Salvation'
"It took the United States
exactly a week to understand the damage that Mikheil Saakashvili's
'Ossetian blitzkrieg' has caused him and his "Rose Democracy' …
It's hard to believe that a stateswoman as formidable as 'Teflon Condi' was
unable to make it clear to Saakashvili what the White House wants or doesn't
want him to do. … Sometimes 'pocket rulers' get out of hand."
By Andrei Fedyashin
Translated By Igor Medvedev
August 15, 2008
- Novosti - Original Article (Russia)
MOSCOW: It took the United
States exactly a week to understand the damage that Mikheil Saakashvili's
"Ossetian blitzkrieg" has caused him and his "Rose
Democracy." Finally it seems, Washington has launched operation
"Saakasvili's Salvation" in earnest. At the same time, a diplomatic
battle is unfolding to untie the "Caucasian knot." Regrettably, this
struggle will be harder for Russia to win than any military clash. On August
14, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Paris to meet with
President Nicolas Sarkozy, and then immediately flew to Tbilisi for talks with
Saakashvili on August 15. Meanwhile, President George W. Bush authorized the
beginning of a humanitarian aid effort for Georgia. The first U.S. Air Force
C-17 cargo planes loaded with medicine and food have already arrived. And
simultaneously along the Georgian coast, several U.S. naval vessels have
arrived from the Persian Gulf to prevent Russia from blocking the
"humanitarian aid."
You don’t need to have the
keenest insight to understand that the "humanitarian bridge" being
erected by the Pentagon' has little to do with the humanitarian needs of
Georgia. This is the first concrete step taken to support Saakashvili - steps
that were not in evidence in the early days of his invasion of South Ossetia.
The Georgian leader even began to complain openly that the initial statements
of the Bush Administration to address the conflict were too "soft"
and that he wasn't receiving "adequate support." This was clearly not
what he expected from those who pushed him into his "Ossetian raid."
It's telling that a week after
the event, Washington has only now begun to lash out at the Kremlin.
(Specifically, Bush has accused Russia of "not behaving like the kind of
international partner that it has said it wants to be)" Normally, the
Americans quite carefully prepare their propaganda or military actions in any
part of the globe (its enough to recall the invasions of Grenada, Panama,
Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq). The flow of inspired leaks and revelations from
anonymous high-ranking sources usually mounts for weeks before the decisive
But this didn't happen with
Georgia. In fact, the America press has carried post-factum
"confidential" reports that Condoleezza Rice, during her visit to
Tbilisi over a month ago, warned Saakashvili "not to think about a
military solution." But Saakashvili either didn't get it or lost his
temper and decided to act at his own risk. Sometimes "pocket rulers"
get out of hand.

President Saakashvili: Did he act on his own?
Yet it's hard to believe that
a stateswoman as formidable as "Teflon Condi" was unable to make it
clear to Saakashvili what the White House wants or doesn't want him to do.
After all, this is not Angela Merkel or Silvio Berlusconi, who could well
afford "not to hear" the U.S. secretary of state.
All of the recent moves by
the White House suggest that it has overcome the initial shock and has embarked
on what Washington calls "damage control," through the only remaining
method available - aggressive diplomacy. These moves also demonstrate that the
Bush Administration made a huge miscalculation assessing Russia's reaction to
Saakashvili's military action. Washington clearly didn't anticipate the
quickness and forcefulness of the military response from Medvedev and Putin,
even less so on the opening day of the Olympics.
The Olympics Games,
incidentally, are also key to understanding what happened. Ever since the
boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics (after the introduction of Soviet troops
into Afghanistan), U.S. leaders have become confident that the Olympics are
something of a personal obsession for all Russian leaders (which actually, used
to be true), and that they would rather accept several hundred dissidents than
be subject to a boycott that would be a blow to Russian prestige. It's no
accident that one of the measures being floated by Western diplomats is a
boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
That would certainly be
unpleasant, of course. But it's extremely unlikely. Still, six years before the
Games, much is likely to change. For one thing, the Bush Administration will be
gone. Incidentally, despite all of his outspoken criticism of Russia's
"invasion of Georgia," Republican presidential candidate John McCain
said on August 14 that as president he, "wouldn't send U.S. forces into a
conflict in Georgia."
The United States and its key
supporters in London never miss a chance to step on the Kremlin's toes. Both
want to respond harshly to Moscow, and impose sanctions that would "hit
hardest at its prestige," as The Times put it. Apart from the Olympic
boycott, Washington has suggested a whole package of measures against Russia,
including blocking its entry to the WTO, denying it admission to the Organization
of Economic Cooperation and Development, excluding it from the Group of Eight,
preventing talks on a new strategic partnership agreement with the European
Union and dismantling Russia's Partnership for Peace program with NATO.
The Alliance's overall
position will be worked out when its foreign ministers gather for an urgent
meeting in Brussels at Bush's request. The meeting will take place as early as
Monday or Tuesday (August 18 or August 19). Among the most painful options that
NATO will try to impose on the Europeans will be to provide Tbilisi and Kiev
with a "ticket to NATO" - immediate accession to the Membership
Action Plan leading to membership. This is exactly what France, Italy and
Germany rejected at NATO's April summit in Bucharest. True - France, Italy and
Germany are from accepting this idea.
As for the new partnership
agreement with the E.U., strangely enough, Moscow has no reason to rush it.
Russia is quite content with its current status and Europe needs the agreement
more than we do. Western business is much more interested in Russia's WTO
entry, because large Western banks need the business. The OECD is more of a
club of economic projects of its 30 member countries, and we're in no hurry.
Finally, the NATO-Russia partnership long-ago become a fiction.
The punishment of ousting
Russia from the G-8, although it seems like a tough measure, really is not. The
G-8 long ago lost its original meaning, and has turned into little more than an
expensive talking salon. In order for the G-8 to regain its relevance, its
format has to be changed. It's strange that Canada is a member of the club, but
huge economies like China, India, or Brazil are not. Nor does it include a
single African nation. It has been clear since the end of the last century that
this is inadequate. If Russia leaves the club, it will simply be time to bury
Banish All
'Magical Thinking' Regarding the Russian Bear
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
'Enormous Error'
of President Bush's 'Georgian Protege'
Cotidianul, Romania
Georgia Can 'Kiss
NATO Goodbye'
Frankfurter Rundschau,
Georgia: The Proxy
War that Could Go Global
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, France
With Total Victory
Achieved, Russia 'Withdraws'
Rue 89, France
East Europe Best
Not Depend on 'Obsolete' NATO
Liberation, France
The Russian
President 'Dictates His Peace' to Hapless Europe
Le Figaro, France
In South Ossetia,
'Kosovo Backfires'
Le Figaro, France
Between America
and Russia, the E.U. is On the Front Line
Le Figaro, France
War in the
Caucasus: Georgia 'Doesn’t Stand a Chance'
Kommersant, Russia
The Kremlin Offers
'an Ultimatum' to America
Novosti, Russia
The Americans
Finally Launch Operation 'Saakasvili's Salvation'
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US August 18, 9:45pm]