Times, U.K.]
La Capital, Argentina
The 'Bushification' of Barack Obama
"The fact that the head of the
U.S. empire is viewed internationally with such sympathy and admiration is for
many, highly problematic. There are governments for whom it is indispensible to
have the United States as an enemy. And we all know people for whom anti-Americanism is almost a basic instinct and
principal source of their political views."
Translated By Halszka Czarnocka
January 31, 2009
- La Capital - Original Article (Spanish)
It isn't easy to have such a
popular guy in the White House. The fact that the head of the U.S. empire is
viewed internationally with such sympathy and admiration is for many, highly
problematic. There are governments for whom it is indispensible to have the
United States as an enemy. And we all know people for whom anti-Americanism is
almost a basic instinct and principal source of their political views.
is why the Bushification of Obama will soon come into fashion.
The Bushification of Barack Obama
is the almost inevitable next chapter in the narrative, that began with
assurances that it would be impossible for the Americans to elect a Black
president, went through the surprise of Obama's victory, the overwhelming
emotion of his inauguration and on to the enormous expectations about his
ability to solve the enormous problems he has inherited. Now comes the stage
in which many will explain that in substance, there isn't much difference
between George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.
Or in the words of the lyrical president of Venezuela, both are
"the same scum," meaning that both are the malignant effluent that
oozes from any diseased or rotten matter (though President Hugo Chávez
immediately pointed out that he called them scum, "so as not to use a
stronger expression." (What could he have in mind?).
And it's not only Chávez; Bushification is a global trend. For the
Iranian regime, it will be important to show that although the new President's
middle name is Hussein and the meaning of Obama in Farsi is "he's with us," in reality he is, like his predecessor,
the ultimate representative of the Great Satan.

Telegraph, U.K.]
Gazeta, Russia: Castro and Chavez Split Over Obama
La Capital, Argentina:
The 'Bushification' of President
Latin American Herald
Tribune, Venezuela: Hugo
Chavez Delays Restoring U.S. Ties
Iran News Daily, Iran:
Iranian Leaders Should
'Seize the Chance' for Better Ties with U.S.
Islamic Republic of
Iran Broadcasting, Iran: President Ahmadinejad Says U.S.
Apology Would Represent Real 'Change'
Three days after the start of the Obama government, the United States
bombed a group of suspected Taliban in Northwest Pakistani, killing 14 people. The
Pakistan government protested this latest breach of its sovereignty and
declared its hope that Obama wouldn't continue the Bush policies in this
respect was just an illusion. After Timothy Geithner, the new U.S. Treasury
Secretary, accused China of manipulating its currency, that nation's government
responded furiously. "Launching unfounded accusations at China regarding
its exchange rate only encourages U.S. protectionism and doesn't contribute to
finding a real solution to the problem" the official statement said.
In his inaugural address, Obama warned: "To those who cling to power through corruption and
deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of
history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your
fist." What would Vladimir Putin think of this invitation? Or Bashar-al-Assad
of Syria? Or Raúl Castro? They don't see the difference between Obama and Bush.
Moreover, its common knowledge that Obama believes the war in
Afghanistan must be intensified, that he will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear
weapons and that he supports the right of Israel to defend itself against
Hamas' attacks. "If somebody was
sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I would do
everything to stop that, and would expect Israel to do the same thing," said Obama,
reiterating an idea with which it is difficult to disagree. And yet, it's
hardly surprising that in the Arab world, there are already those who denounce
the Obama government as merely a continuation of the Bush Administration,
differing only in the larger number of Jews in the cabinet and other positions
of maximum relevance.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad seeks an
from the Obama Administration for past
American policy,
Jan. 28, 00:05:58. WATCH
[free registration required]
In some cases, the Bushification of Obama will have a foothold in
reality, since there will be continuity between the policies of the new
president and those of Bush. But in many other cases, this will simply be the
result of the propaganda efforts of those who must always have an enemy in the
White House. But it will not be easy. One feature of Barack Obama's political
career has been that he always surprises critics and sceptics. And in this
case, it won't be difficult to surprise them again. Because among other things,
in spite of what his critics say, he is not George W. Bush.
February 4, 9:20pm]