[El Universal,
El Universal, Venezuela
Of Obama and
Chavez: 'Unconditional' Meetings and 'Equal' Treatment
"During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama announced
that he would unconditionally speak with the enemies of the United States. … We
see what 'equality' means to Chavez and what 'unconditionally' means to Obama.
Equality, to Chavez, means that Obama respects the barbarity of his government;
but that would contradict Obama's credo."
Translated By Liz Essary
February 2, 2009
- El Universal - Original Article (Spanish)
During his presidential
campaign, Barack Obama announced that he would unconditionally speak with the
enemies of the United States. His first decision was to close Guantanamo, which
is why Fidel Castro said he was a good man, and why he sent a missive to Hugo
Chavez asking him to give the new North American leader a chance. We assume
that Castro expects Obama to treat Venezuela as an equal. But we see what
"equality" means to Chavez and what "unconditionally" means
to Obama. Equality, to Chavez, means that Obama respects the barbarity of his
government; but that would contradict Obama's credo:
1. Proud to be the 44th
president and through the peaceful transfer of power, he took an oath to defend
the 221-year-old Constitution, the amendments of which incorporate the rights
of all citizens: freedom of expression, press, religion, due process, limited
terms for the president and Congress, and the abolition of slavery. Chavez was
sworn in by qualifying the Constitution as “dying.” He convened a constituent
assembly and enacted. "The best constitution in the world," but since
it didn't serve his purposes, he proposed a referendum to reform it. The people
said NO to 2-D [the number of the referendum]. Now he's ordering a new meeting
to amend it with the goal of being reelected indefinitely.
2. The Reverend Earl Warren
opened Obama's inauguration by entrusting him to God. In his speech, the
President invoked the Supreme One several times. On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity
of purpose over conflict and discord. Chavez is at war with the church,
with the Jews, and with young people. Venezuela, together with Bolivia, broke
off relations with Israel, attack the Cardinal [Jorge Urosa Savino], and armed
groups plant bombs in the Nunciature without the government condemning them
3. Obama spoke of his
principles, which were handed down by the founding fathers: They drafted a letter to guarantee the rule
of law and human rights. We are the
keepers of this heritage. Guided by them, we can face those threats that demand
greater effort, greater cooperation and
understanding among nations. In Venezuela, the separation of powers doesn't
exist, nor does the rule of law, nor respect for human rights. There are no

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez celebrates 10
years in power
by holding a summit with some of his close
allies. Chavez, center,
accompanied by, from left, Honduras President
Manuel Zelaya,
Ecuador President Correa, Dominican Republic
Prime Minister
Roosevelt Skerrit, Cuban Vice President Jose
Machado, and from
right, Bolivia's President Evo Morales and
Nicaragua's President
Daniel Ortega, at a rally in Caracas, Feb. 2.
BBC NEWS: Ten years of Hugo Chavez, 00:03:11. WATCH
BBC NEWS: Roundtable discussion of the
influence of Hugo
Chavez, 00:04:38. LISTEN
4. Obama added: The time has come to choose our better
history; to carry forward that precious gift passed on from generation to
generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all
deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness. Chavez does
whatever he can to restrict our liberties.
5. Obama cited the severe
economic crisis he's confronting and the need for bold action to renew growth: And those of us who manage the public's
dollars will be held to account to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our
business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their
government. In Venezuela, the squandering of money is out of control.
Despite the profound crisis that we are living through, Chavez insults the
intelligence of citizens by saying that even if the price of oil drops to zero,
it won't affect us. Then he orders the extraction of $12.5 billion of our
international reserves, at a time when inflation in Venezuela is the second
highest in the world. This measure will finish off the little purchasing power
we have left. [$12.5 billion is 28 percent of Venezuela's total foreign
6. Obama sent a clear
message: To those leaders in certain
parts of the world who seek to blame their society's ills on the West, know
that your people will judge you on what you can build … Those who cling to
power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you
are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are
willing to unclench your fist.
7. On January 22, the
Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America, James Steinberg, told the
Congress: We intend to play an active
role in Latin America with a positive focus that avoids giving excessive
importance to Chavez and to his grim attempts to dominate the regional agenda.
We intend to carry out a clear diplomacy with Venezuela including direct
contacts to serve our national interests, like ending Venezuela's links to the
FARC and cooperating in the fight
against narcotics. Can there be an "unconditional" meeting?
Perhaps President Chavez hadn't heard these declarations when he joined in
Castro's praises [of Obama].
Gazeta, Russia: Castro and Chavez Split Over Obama
La Capital, Argentina:
The 'Bushification' of President
Latin American Herald
Tribune, Venezuela: Hugo
Chavez Delays Restoring U.S. Ties
Iran News Daily, Iran:
Iranian Leaders Should
'Seize the Chance' for
Better Ties with U.S.
Islamic Republic of
Iran Broadcasting, Iran: President Ahmadinejad Says U.S.
Apology Would Represent Real 'Change'
February 4, 11:59pm]