A Time Bomb


[Hoje Macau, Macau]



Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace, France

To America or France, Sarkozy Must Break His Promise


"Carried away by his temperament and emotion, the President took an enormous risk the day he promised that France wouldn't send another man to Kabul."


By Olivier Picard



Translated By Juliet Fox


December 4, 3009


France - Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace - Home Page (French)

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has gone from being a hawkish ally of President Bush to a reticent coalition partner of President Obama: What happened?


BBC NEWS VIDEO: President Sarkozy visits French troops in Afghanistan, after French forces suffered their most devastating attack in 25 years, Aug. 20, 00:01:42 RealVideo

One way or another, France will have to choose between two positions: the one it gave to America or the one that it gave to the French. Even if the diplomatic code allows Nicolas Sarkozy to find an honorable way out that keeps up appearances, the president of the republic is in a tight spot. Here he is, back against the wall, forced to make a decision and headed for a wrenching choice like those that came before him, Jacques Chirac and Dominique de Villepin, when they were confronted with the Iraqi dilemma.


The players have changed. But the popularity of the new White House tenant renders the equation even more complex than the one posed by George W. Bush in 2003. It was natural enough to resist the policies of a war caricature and partisan of force who was sure of the hegemony of the West and committed to the quasi-religious ideology of a clash of the civilizations. It will be much more difficult to temper the pragmatic approach of a Nobel Peace Prize winner armed with a planetary humanism and in the face of the terrorist barbarity.


On paper, everything should have pointed to the Atlanticist and deliberate French president toward supporting, without reservation, its historic ally, engaged with a declared ideological modesty in a fight deemed noble and decisive. The declarations of Nicolas Sarkozy - those he has proclaimed since his first presidential visit to the United States - would alone have justified the unequivocal support of France. A direct “yes” to Washington’s clearly-formulated request. But Paris has offered only its embarrassment. The leaders of the UMP (Union for a Popular Movement, the ruling party) worked all day yesterday to disguise what strongly-resembled an attempt to buy time.



Nicolas Sarkozy knows he can't risk directly-provoking public opinion on such a major issue. A strong majority of French are clearly opposed to sending new troops to Afghanistan. So, 1,500 men … that would be enormous. It would be unacceptable for a country traumatized by losses, albeit limited, that it judges to have been in vain. Carried away by his temperament and emotion, the President took an enormous risk the day he promised that France wouldn't send another man to Kabul. It was a politically-popular declaration hurled at the problem of a spontaneous revolt. A time bomb.



Le Monde, France: Nicolas Sarkozy's 'Neither-Nor' on the Afghan Surge

Berliner Zeitung, Germany: Obama's Hope is All Afghanistan Has Left  

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia: NATO Still 'Clueless' About What to Do Next  

Liberation, France: Obama's Hesitation on Afghanistan May Cost Him Dearly

The Nation, Pakistan : Obama's Speech: 'Servility' Toward U.S. Has its Limits

The Frontier Post, Pakistan: America Reveals Dark Side of the Human Intellect

Asia Times, Hong Kong: China Maps End to the Afghanistan War  

Gazeta, Russia: U.S. and Russia Share Responsibility for 'Afghan Anthill'


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In the context of war, one pays dearly for such imprudence. All the more so since France reintegrated into NATO’s command structure several months ago. To inaugurate this return by diverging with the United States would mean chaos … and sending trainers? That would evoke the Vietnam of 1963, when Kennedy sent “military advisors” to Saigon. But even worse than divergence is doubt. And what if the president no longer really believed that American military victory were possible in Afghanistan? The transatlantic divide would become a complete rupture. It would be explosive.















































Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Dec. 7, 2:40pm


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