
                                                   [Het Parool, The Netherlands]



Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace, France

The Route of the Olympic Torch: A 'Way of the Cross'


"It's an absolute disaster. A symbolic defeat, politically, 'sportively,' diplomatically and historically. During this black Monday of the Olympic adventure, everyone lost! … The route if the Olympic flame has become the Way of the Cross for the players and spectators of this event that was meant to be festive."


By Olivier Picard



Translated By Sandrine Agoerges


April 8, 2008


France - Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace - Home Page (French)

It's an absolute disaster. A symbolic defeat, politically, “sportively,” diplomatically and historically. During this black Monday of the Olympic adventure, everyone lost! The legend, the athletes, China, France, the government, the police, the protesters and even Tibetans. The route if the Olympic flame has become the Way of the Cross  for the players and spectators of this event that was meant to be festive.


Throughout an entire afternoon, we witnessed live the slow agony of the Olympic magic. The little that was left of the sacred, which had escaped the ravages of money and nationalism, the corruption of a universal ideal, went up in smoke last night in the City of Lights. It was a somber destiny for a tired fetish, drained of its soul even before the start of competition to the point that in a bleak omen, it went out on its own several times.


These “technical problems” only added to the ridicule in the eyes of the public and the world. In any case, the usually moving ritual never had a chance. What does it mean that this Olympic symbol of peace was so vulnerable that it had to cross the city with an escort of over 3000 police officers? The drama surrounding its arrival immediately lent the occasion a disturbing, pessimistic, discordant tone. As if Paris was afraid … Had the government intended to give a pledge of servility to China, it could not have acted differently. 



The atmosphere of a state of siege, a police force on edge, flashing lights, demonstrators - restless yes, but non-violent ones treated like thugs, banners taken down to avoid offense without regard to freedom of expression. The authorities, which didn't want to risk even the slightest incident so as to avoid Beijing's displeasure, is precisely what created the overall conditions of tension. We have seen the result of this logic of security and what has triumphed …


With the picture of the ever-present guards of Beijing's organizing committee taking the torch from the hands of David Douillet [photo, right], along with the extinguishment of the flame, the order canceling the torch relay and its concealment in a bus, China has already confiscated “its” Games from the participants. It is a spectacular humiliation for the athletes, which alone summarizes the spirit of the host country concerned only with its own prestige. Far from being moved by the protests in the West, it will now reinforce its iron fist over a competition that from the outset, it sought to manipulate. The trap door is closing.


Le Figaro, France

The Passage of
the Torch: In a
Word, a 'Fiasco'


Xinhua, People's Republic of China

The Hypocrisy of Pelosi
and 'Those of Her Ilk' ...


The Global Geographic Times, People's Republic of China

Exposing the 'Weak Rib'
of Olympic Politicization































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US April 8, 4:20pm]