Is the Iranian missile threat to Europe real?



AZI, Romania

American Missile Shield 'Lies'


"The American 'shield' is not a shield - it is meant to attack Russia, and Romania will turn from a country that is of no interest to Russian missiles into a target for them. The only winners in the equation are the Americans - but through the sacrifice of our interests."


By Răzvan Voncu


Translated By Helene Grinsted


February 16, 2010


Romania - AZI - Original Article (Romanian)

Romania President Traian Basescu: By difinitively throwing his lot in with NATO and the United States, he takes a great political risk.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Valimir Putin attacks U.S. missile defense, Dec. 29, 2009, 00:01:57RealVideo

We have no illusions that in the Securitate-run Republic of Romania [reference to people from the former regime that still run the country], newspaper articles will bring the authorities to their senses. Yet when it comes to plans to turn Romania into an American ballistic missile base in the event of a Russian attack, it is our duty to tell these authorities that we aren't stupid - and that in the face of all the lies put out by "analysts" and "commentators" with stars on their epaulets, we may temporarily shut our mouths - but they can't stop us from thinking.


Thus, the first lie about the “shield” is simply that it's a shield, i.e. an instrument of protection. Anyone who has served in the army knows that any allegedly defensive weapons can change in an instant into offensive ones. Moreover, those who possess defensive weapons aren't exempt from becoming targets for opponents. Therefore, the American “shield” is not a shield - it is meant to attack Russia, and Romania will turn from a country that is of no interest to Russian missiles into a target for them. The only winners in the equation are the Americans - but through the sacrifice of our interests.


The second lie is that the “shield” is meant to protect Europe. If that were so, European countries would be interested, particularly the developed ones (France, Germany, Italy). But as the NATO command very clearly emphasized, the “shield” is a strictly American affair. Are the French and Germans led by morons; is Traian Băsescu the only patriotic president in Europe?



Romania Liberia, Romania: Romanians Must Reject Opponents of U.S. Missile Shield

Ziarul, Romania: NATO, Romania and Mushroom Clouds to Come

Cotidianul, Romania: America Deserves to Be 'More Appreciated'  

Yezhednevniy, Russia: Shall Russians Praise or Curse 'Those Treacherous Yankees'?

Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Poland Agrees to Accept Modified U.S. Missile Shield  

Dziennik, Poland: 'Live American Shields' Better than Bush Missile Defense  

Financial Times Deutschland: Missile Shield: 'Time for Confrontation is Over'  

Gazeta, Russia: After the Shield: Time for Kremlin to Bring Itself to Reciprocate

Novosti, Russia: Iran Can't Be 'Swapped' for Halt to U.S. Missile Defense    

Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Obama's Russia 'Gambit'

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Obama's Lesson: Poland Can't Count on the United States

Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Banish All 'Magical Thinking' Regarding the Russian Bear

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Missile Shield Talks: How the Bush Team Lost Poland

Sydsvenskan, Sweden: Obama's Anti-Missile Gambit Pursued for the Greater Good

Le Monde, France: Obama's Missile Policy Change a Shrewd Gambit

Der Spiegel, Germany: 'Russian Euphoria' at Obama's Decision To Shelve Missile Shield

The Times, U.K.: 'Dismay in Europe' as Obama Ditches Missile Shield

Novosti, Russia: Russia's NATO Envoy Warns Against 'Childish Euphoria' Over Shield


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The third lie is that the “shield” will protect Europe from Iranian missiles. If that were so, the first country to be interested would have to be Turkey. In terms of military importance, Turkey is the fourth most important NATO state, and yet it isn't the least interested in hosting elements of the anti-missile shield. This is a sign that the so-called Iranian threat doesn't exist. This is a blatant lie meant to lay public concerns to rest. 



So I return to what I said earlier: To be accepted, the American shield project must be ratified by a referendum. Any other trick aimed at circumventing the will of the people is unacceptable and only serves to betray its anti-nationalist nature.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US March 30, 11:59am]



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