First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897. The
of Zionism, which grew out of Jewish frustration with not
accepted in Europe, gave birth to what Saddam Hussein
have described as The Mother of All Conspiracy Theories:
Jews are somehow plotting world domination along with
ever-elusive Freemasons.
Alsahwa, Yemen
Arabs Must Let Go
of Conspiracy Theories
"All strong nations believe
they have the right to secure and expand their interests beyond their borders,
just as America has done. … The conspiracy theory has become the peg upon which
weak societies - most importantly ours - hang their misfortunes … The latest
fashion is a conspiracy, hair-styles are a conspiracy - even freedom of
expression can't escape conspiracy ..."
By Sabah Al Kheshni
Translated By Jenny Oliver and Nicolas Dagher
June 13, 2008
- Alsahwa - Original Article (Arabic)

Hungarian writer and journalist Theodore Herzl: Frustrated by the treatment of Jews in Europe, Hertl wrote a book in 1896 arguing for the creation of a modern Jewish state, launching the Zionist movement that resulted in the founding of the state of Israel.
We Muslims
believe there is a huge conspiracy that has been hatched against us; woven
throughout the decades beginning with the 1897 Basel Conference [First Zionist
] in
Switzerland, the speeches of which were said to form the basis of the Protocols
of the Elders of Zion
. This gave
birth to the myth that the Jews are planning to exercise control over us and
our thoughts, God bless us. The Protocols, which were translated into
Arabic, released to the public and widely disseminated, created the modern
sense of the term conspiracy theory, all the way from Sykes-Picot [when
the European powers carved up the Middle East
to the shameful chaos and conspiracy of the Iraq occupation. And since
political conspiracy is the basis of our community, society needed additional
conspiracies. So came conspiracies against women, young
people and children. We go from one calamity to another ... And the reason is
always a "conspiracy."
[Editor's Note:
Zionism is a concept conceived of by French Jewish journalist Theodore Herzl
in his 1896 book The State of the Jews. In light of Europe's history of cruelty
and marginalization of Jews and after a French Jewish military officer named Alfred
was accused
of spying for Germany and convicted of treason in one
of the most notorious cases of anti-Semitism in French history, Herzl concluded
that Jews would never be accepted in Europe and needed their own homeland. This
is the origin of modern Zionism and the drive to create a Jewish state in
Israel. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was published in 1905 and is
said to be an accounting of the First Zionist Conference. Rather, it is a
literary forgery and a hoax that alleges a Jewish and Masonic plot to achieve
world domination.]
All strong
nations believe they have the right to secure and expand their interests beyond
their borders, just as America has done to date. In the usual course of events,
the strongest nation imposes its history, culture and strategy on the weaker.
History shows that within the Empire ruled by Athens, it was the Greeks who
were the source of mythology, philosophy and military power. And it was the
Greeks who mounted invasions and built the great glory that even today is so
phenomenally influential. And so when the balance of power shifts toward
nations that are imposing their beliefs on others, it is regarded as a
conspiracy. When the Muslims were the prevailing power, the Kingdoms of Europe
thought a plot had been hatched against them to seize their lands and wealth
and change their beliefs.
[Author refers to the Muslim takeover of Andalusia - the Iberian
Peninsula - where Spain and Portugal are located today, 711-1492 AD
The Muslim army
directed the European people away from various kinds of worship toward a
unifying belief [belief in Mohammad rather than Catholicism's father, son and Holy
Spirit], and people there didn't accept this at first. Every nation thought
that a conspiracy had been plotted against all that they held sacred and the
goodness of their lands. Even in the Koran, the Pharaoh and his ministers had
discussions with our Lord Moses. And even our Lord Abraham and other prophets
of God, Mohammad and the messengers may appear to have been conspiring in
various ways, Peace Be Upon All of Them. Those outside looking in always
explain events through the lens of conspiracy.
It seems that
people are suspicious of anything new. Anything that goes against custom is
considered alien or attributed to a conspiracy theory. But you have to agree
with me when I say that the repercussions take place largely within societies
themselves. Thus, dictatorial and authoritarian governments blame everything
contrary to their attempts to control and influence on conspiracies against the
nation's interests and national security; hatched by enemies at home and
The conspiracy
theory has become the peg upon which weak societies - most importantly ours -
hang their misfortunes, recessions, domestic illnesses and problems. Everything
that happens as a result of wrong policies is portrayed as a conspiracy against
the regime. The latest fashion is a conspiracy, hair-styles are a conspiracy -
even freedom of expression can't escape conspiracy ...
Even on the level
of the family, there is always someone conspiring against their habits,
customs, and traditional leaders - and perhaps the future head of the
household. Conspiracy theories are not only transcontinental. They emerge in
the human mind at all times, in all places and at all levels.
Alsahwa, Yemen
Arabs Must Let Go of
Conspiracy Theories …
Palestinians Must Campaign
to 'Alter Obama's Position' …
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 23, 2:05am]