Magyar Nemzet, Hungary

On a bus tour through South Carolina, Republican presidential

candidate Michele Bachmann meets her supporters, Aug. 18.



Magyar Nemzet, Hungary

Bachmann: Will a 'One-Eyed Monarch Lead the Blind'?


"Trust is a very precious asset, and losing a AAA rating is much more serious than a momentary misstep. ... If the situation worsens further, the crisis forces the great powers to their knees and large groups of people begin preparing for the arrival of Armageddon … it will be Michele Bachmann (rather than Obama) to the rescue. But only in vain can a one-eyed monarch lead the blind."


By Levente Sitkei


Translated by Carolyn Yohn


August 15, 2011


Hungary - Magyar Nemzet - Original Article (Hungarian)

Newsweek's controversial cover with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann: Is this the face of the next president of the United States?

BBC NEWS VIDEO: 'Ultraconservative' Michele Bachmann claims victory in Iowa straw poll, Aug. 15, 00:01:22RealVideo

Can Muhammad Ali be compared to Vlagyimir Kilcsko? Of course, both are world- heavyweight champion boxers, but that's not sufficient to mention them in the same breath. Sports writers would put you in a headlock for comparing a current boxing winner with such a legend. The differences between the two eras are howling - and that's not only true of boxing.


A bit more worrisome than this heavyweight boxing controversy is the epoch-making clash of personalities that has emerged on the American scene. Tea Party candidate Michele Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll, beating out Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul and Herman Cain.


Even Gabor Horn of the Alliance of Free Democrats [known for her rather obscene language] tut-tutted when he saw the results, remarking that the clash of personalities is making it exceedingly hard for the Republican team to pull together. Where is the new Nixon or Reagan - and what about that familiar Bush-family charisma? Just one of the nine Republican candidates can aspire to emerge and face off against Barack Obama, who, despite his missteps and failed reforms, is still more of a politician than the entire Republican field combined.  



Ukrainian Boxer Vlagyimir Kilcsko (right) with one of his conquests

from 2004, DaVaryll Williamson. Kilcsko is WBA Super, IBF, WBO

Super, IBO and Ring Magazine Champion.


Hispanidad, Spain: How Spain Can Build its Own 'Tea Party': Copy Sarah Palin
El País, Spain : Tea Party 'Endangers Health' of American Democracy
ABC, Spain: The Misguided Demonization of the 'Tea Party' Movement
Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: 'Radical' Republicans Threaten America with Ruin
Le Monde, France: Charting the Tortured Path of the Tea Party
Le Temps, Switzerland: America's 'Cry of Agony' Through the Tea Party
Romanian Libera, Romania: Tea Party Activists Reflect U.S. Checks and Balances
Excelsior, Mexico: Paradox: The Tea Party is 'Determined to Help Obama'
Le Figaro, France: The Tea Party: An 'American Fever' that Will Soon Pass
El Universal, Mexico: The Tea Party and Immigration: Obama's Ace in the Hole
Tageblatt, Luxembourg: Prepare for 'Tea Time' in America
Upsala Nya Tidning, Sweden:
U.S. Should Choose Patriotism Over Party Tactics
Cotidianul, Romania: The Tea Party and the Workings of American Democracy

FTD, Germany: Why Obama Shouldn't Listen to the Tea Party
La Jornada, Mexico: Glenn Beck and the New U.S.-Right: 'Like a Horror Movie'

Die Zeit, Germany: The Head-Spinning Rate of Change in American Politics

Folha, Brazil: Obama: An American Anomaly?


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Nevertheless, it seems that Obama will have only one term in the White House. The president is in too-tight a corner. His most important work, health care reform, is under constant attack, and the Supreme Court is unlikely to delay ruling on it until the end of campaign season. Reform is the ideal campaign issue, and Republican candidates can invoke their slogan again and again: "Socialism is no good for America!"


Michele Bachmann has already said several times that she's concerned about Obama's plans because she fears he is un-American. Until a new president is elected, it is going to be a real slugfest. All the candidates will fight dirty (while one party gains strength, which is part of the idiosyncrasy of America). That said, no one should be surprised if the Tea Party candidate really wins - simply because she's at the right place at the right time: she's not from Texas (like Bush was), she represents the weaker sex and she is a shrill, born-again Christian. That is to say nothing of Obama's failure to exhibit the dynamism that characterized him in 2008.


The rise in the U.S. debt-ceiling was very poorly handled. The entire world was counting down the days to the United States going bankrupt. Of course nothing happened, and not because the parties agreed at the last minute. Nothing happened because America is relatively strong and well put together. It is not going to fall apart just like that. Yet everyone pontificated about it, with Republicans, sure enough, pointing to Obama and saying: "See how unfit he is to handle the situation? It's just like what happened with health care."


But none of this is the fault of the president. One should first look toward his megalomaniacal Texan predecessor who, during his reign, tanked the image of American empire and set events in train that will in all probability lead to its fall. Now we are at the point that the world is watching a genuine American meltdown. Trust is a very precious asset, and losing a AAA rating is much more serious than a momentary misstep. America's political partners and global terrorist groups alike still trust in the market - just not as much as before.


But if the situation worsens further, the crisis forces the great powers to their knees and large groups of people begin preparing for the arrival of Armageddon … it will be Michele Bachmann (rather than Obama) to the rescue. But only in vain can a one-eyed monarch lead the blind.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US Aug. 20, 5:36pm


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