American Sniper
Emits 'Foul Odor' of Propaganda (Liberation, France)
"Yet your method
of simplifying history and turning your character into a legend in a binary
world is disturbing. Unlike Paul Greengrass'Green Zone, American Sniper does nothing to address the issue of the lie that
led to this war, preferring to celebrate its hero. You cannot therefore avoid the
suspicion that this is a propaganda film. But perhaps you take that as a
compliment. Good for you."
Dear Mr. Eastwood - I say Mr. and not Clint in order to
clarify very quickly the respect I have for you and
your work; or at least partly, because, like some of your more recent films,
American Sniper emits a foul odor. I must be wary of making biased statements -
because I am French - about this product of America. We don't have the same
culture and are unable to understand American cinema’s obsession with revenge, defense
of the country, the construction of myths emanating from simple men or the
fabrication of threats the better to eliminate them. The incredible box office success
of your film on your side of the Atlantic shows that the American public
subscribes to your sentiments. We can salute this capacity of American filmmakers
to seize on their contemporary history and put it in pictures. France cannot
say as much.
Posted By Worldmeets.US
American Sniper: 'Eroticism of War' Rankles Critics (Corriere Della Sera, Italy)
Nevertheless, something essential is missing from you're
rendering of the war in Iraq through the true story of sniper Chris Kyle. Daily
life in conflict, the dilemma of a man in the face of horror, barbarity and post-traumatic
stress is certainly present and one cannot accuse you of magnifying the war.
Yet your method of simplifying history and turning your
character into a legend in a binary world is disturbing. Unlike
Paul Greengrass'Green Zone, American Sniper does nothing to address
the issue of the lie that led to this war, preferring to celebrate its hero. You
cannot therefore avoid the suspicion that this is a propaganda film. But
perhaps you take that as a compliment. Good for you.