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Liberation, France
Finally, Obama Chooses
Combat Over Conciliation
"Believing in an illusory, post-partisan world, against all the odds, he has sought agreement with the opposition. In vain. For years, Republicans have been locked into an extremist ideology that ultimately turns the state and thus policy into the enemy. ... This can be seen with the emergence of Newt Gingrich, a nasty and incoherent racist who has a good chance of being Obama's rival."
By François Sergent
Translated By Philippe Guittard
January 26, 2012
France - Liberation - Original Article (French)
Obama disappoints. He's too cautious,
too conciliatory, and too pragmatic. The young president was the victim of the immense
expectations stirred up by his election. He was then impaled by a governing
style that preferred compromise to confrontation, whether it came to Wall
Street or the Republicans.
Believing in an illusory,
post-partisan world, against all the odds, he has sought agreement with the
opposition. In vain. For years, the Republican Party has been locked into an
extremist ideology that ultimately turns the state and thus policy into the enemy.
This can be seen with the emergence of Newt Gingrich, a nasty and incoherent
racist who has a good chance of being Obama's rival on November 6.
It seems that in the
last State of the Union speech of his term, the president has finally
understood that he must be more combative if he wishes to be reelected. Obama
has chosen the "populist" option, as they call it in the United
States - and where the term is not pejorative. Well-served by the rhetorical skills
that have saved him on several occasions, the President laid out a roadmap for
the coming campaign season and a possible second term. He intends to become a tribune
leading the middle classes against the millionaires and banks. He says he is
ready to ask more of the richest Americans - who largely evade taxes. He also
wants to be defender of a real economy that creates real jobs - unlike the
world of speculation that destroys them. Might there be a common front between Le Bourget [Socialist Party headquarters] and Washington?
[Editor's Note: At Le Bourget, a Paris "commune" - the smallest political unit in France - French Socialist Party candidate François Hollande (look at photo-box) launched his presidential bid this week against conservative Nicolas Sarkozy with the assertion, "My real adversary has no name, no face, no party; it will never be a candidate, even though it governs ... It is the world of finance."]
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