
The BRICS countries, from left to right: Brazil, Russia, India China, and

South Africa, account for 40 percent of the global population and have

economies with explosive growth. How to translate that growth into real

influence is a challenge, as the G-7 jealously guards its prerogatives.



Huanqiu, People's Republic of China

The BRICS Countries Must Be Patient with Diminishing West


With the BRICS countries - China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and India - feeling their oats, with economies that are booming, the leaders of these nations are forming an alliance of sorts. But according to this editorial from China's state-controlled Huanqiu, as the influence of the G7 diminishes and the BRICS countries rise, great care must be taken to 'permit' the West to come to terms with the new reality.




Translated By Ann Tang Kubusek


April 15, 2011


People's Republic of China - Huanqiu - Original Article (Chinese)

Western centralism will be very difficult to maintain in the long term, but the BRICS countries are neither willing nor able to establish an alternative political and economic axis. This reflects the genuine state of the global system. The United States will no longer have the "final say" as it did in the past; but there is still no one that can fill its shoes. Everywhere one looks, the world is undergoing massive transformation. 


"Change" is not a deliberate pursuit of the BRICS countries, so we must wait and see if the United States can unite the West and intentionally prevent it. Despite the rapidly growing strength of the BRICS countries, this alone doesn't equate with power. That is a transformation which will only come gradually. Generally speaking, these countries are much more patient when compared to the great old economic powerhouses. They are very wary of being called, “The anti-Western Alliance.”


The restraint of the newly-developing countries and the magnanimity of the West ensure the stability of our world - and both are indispensable. The population of the BRICS countries is so great that denying them a greater capacity to develop cannot be justified, but at the same time, they must take into account of the feelings and experience of the developed countries.


It’s evident the BRICS countries are interested in more that just talking about cooperation. The five countries have taken a pragmatic step forward by laying out banking cooperation plan. A majority of pubic opinion in the five countries support more political and diplomatic coordination among the BRICS countries, and approved of the Sanya Declaration, which, without naming NATO, criticized the Alliance for bombing Libya. Their united stand is the strongest opposition to the Western air strikes began on behalf of the Libyan opposition.



Among the five BRICS countries, China has the greatest overall national strength and although relatively low key, the most persistent diplomacy. This will help influence the other BRICS countries and avoid a mechanism that would be identified from the outset as oppossed to the West. But the characteristics of Russia, Brazil and the other countries in their turn, have a relatively strong influence on China. We believe that more sincere expression won’t necessarily bring greater risk. The BRICS mechanism may become something of a classroom in which China will be able to break new ground.


Western-centralism must undergo a generational transformation - and the West must be permitted to gradually come to terms with this. It's only natural that friction will develop with the emerging countries. There is nothing shocking about this. The newly-emerging countries are not challenging the West - but they aren't yelling, “Long Live the West,” either. If the West can’t manage to come to terms with reality, then the world is in big trouble. 


First of all, the power of the BRICS countries comes from their economic growth. The long-term instability of these countries is now in the past, and they are now settling down and concentrating on development. Their explosive growth is no different that the growth the West experienced when it was on a rise. Sooner or later, the aggregate economic output of the BRICS countries is expected to overtake the G7. This will have a greater impact on the global system than the rise of the Soviet Union once did.


But there's a big difference between the BRICS countries and the former Soviet Union. The BRICSs don't utilize the tools of political expansion or the threat of force. The BRICS countries may represent a turning point in human history, promoting peaceful rather than cut-throat competition as the only principle for reshaping the global system. This may sound a little idealistic, but given the strength of the BRICS countries, the risk and cost of challenging this principle will tend to grow, and cooperation among the BRICS countries will reinforce this trend.


Nevertheless, competition among the BRICS countries is also a reality -and of the five countries, none have made strengthening relations among the BRICSs a priority. But that shouldn't impede the five from coordinating their actions on core issues such as their right to development and world peace.   



The European Union's unified diplomacy is frequently frustrated. It is entirely possible that the BRICS countries could do better. Their ability to harmonize their positions is certainly no worse, as their unified voice concerning the Libya issue amply demonstrates. That's a pretty good start. 


The BRICS countries shouldn't expect their system of cooperation to address lots of detailed matters. Rather, it should be a forum for strategic cooperation to prevent developed countries from committing all kinds of self-serving abuse their and unfairly using their leverage. The population of the BRICS countries accounts for 40 percent of the world’s population; safeguarding their rights to development will certainly be a trying and complicated matter. 



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 13, 12:19am]


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