
  [The Times, U.K.]



Global Times, People's Republic of China

U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan 'Not Necessarily Bad'


Should China treat America 's proposed weapons sale to Taiwan as a blessing in disguise? According to this article by a man with the pen name Young Mao in the state-controlled Global Times, Beijing must use this experience to rally the nation and overcome America's long-term policy of containing China.


By Young Mao [的个人资料]



Translated By Sarah Chan


February 1, 2010


People's Republic of China - Global Times - Original Article (Chinese)

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou: In what may be the hardest job in the democratic world, he must accept American military aid to deter an invasion by the mainland, while protecting the interests of 23 million Taiwanese, many of whom do business in authoritarian China.


RUSSIA TODAY NEWS VIDEO: Faceoff between U.S. and China over Taiwan weapons deal, Feb. 3, 00:05:51RealVideo

In Beijing, early in the morning on January 30, the U.S. government announced that it would sell to Taiwan "Black Hawk" helicopters, "Patriot-3" anti-missile systems, minesweepers and other weapons for nearly $6.4 billion. Just hours later, the U.S. was socked with the anticipated "violent storm" from China. The ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, the Taiwan Affairs Office, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference all expressed unusual but strong opposition to the U.S. plan to sell weapons to Taiwan. Within just 17 hours, China also announced four counter-measures: The Chinese Defense Ministry announced that China had decided to suspend planned military exchanges; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to postpone other projects associated with Chinese-U.S. military exchanges; upcoming vice ministerial level consultations on China-U.S. strategic security, arms control and non-proliferation were canceled; and China will impose sanctions on U.S. companies involved in arms sales to Taiwan.


The U.S. government's announced plans to sell weapons to Taiwan was in fact a commitment agreed to earlier by former U.S. President George W. Bush when he was in office, and Obama just chose what he considered to be an appropriate time to announce it. Keeping in mind the details of the U.S. arms sale to Taiwan as well as China's immediate and strong opposition, I believe that the now-approaching Sino-U.S. conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing for China. On the contrary, from a certain point of view, there is a profoundly positive significance to it. There is an ancient Chinese saying, "Misfortune, is what good fortune depends on." So what kind of positive significance for China will this U.S. arms sale to Taiwan have?


First of all, this will greatly inspire strong nationalism and cohesion among the Chinese people.


Sixty years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, for all Chinese people, there are two things inextricably bound up with the state and nation: one is the Taiwan issue; and the other is the containment policy of China that has long been pursued by the United States. These have fostered a strong anti-American sentiment in the minds of Chinese. Almost all of China's people know that the nation isn't yet unified, the biggest reason being U.S. interference. Nowadays, with China's comprehensive national strength among the greatest in the world, the material existence of most people has improved dramatically. And yet the United States plays the same old tricks, deliberately harming the unified national mindset of the Chinese people. This is bound to arouse strong ethnic Chinese nationalist sentiment and cohesion. Add to this the strong opposition spearheaded by the Chinese government, and the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan becomes a real-life education in the profound and widespread patriotism of our people.



Secondly, from a military point of view, the U.S. government's current plan to sell weapons to Taiwan will not have a substantial impact on the balance of power between Mainland China and Taiwan.




Taiwan News: Inadequate U.S. Arms Deal a Failure of Taiwan President

Die Tageszeitung, Germany: Taiwan Arms Sales a Gut Check for U.S.

Rceczpospolita, Poland: China Feels Her Oats at America's Expense

China Daily, China: U.S. Weapons Sale to Taiwan will 'Sour Ties'

Taiwan News, Taiwan: Taiwan Leader Welcomes American Weapons Deal


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The arms sale includes "Black Hawk" helicopters, "Patriot-3" anti-missile systems and minesweepers. These weapons will either be obsolete soon or be upgraded, so they'll be off the U.S. arms market. They really pose no offensive threat, unlike, for example, F16 C\D fighter aircraft, which the U.S. is reluctant to make available and so weren't included. If the U.S. dared provide large numbers of advanced weapons to Taiwan, the situation would have an entirely different result. So from this point of view, the Obama Administration's approval of weapons sales to Taiwan is clearly more symbolic than real.


Thirdly, calmly said, if the Mainland is forced to take the final step and adopt non-peaceful means to safeguard national unity, then the focus of course would be to prevent U.S. interference. The Chinese military certainly understands that U.S. weapons in Japan, Korea, Guam, and other Pacific Rim regions, are far more advanced than those currently in Taiwan. Once the People's Liberation Army is able to gnaw away at the "hard-bone" of U.S. strength and confidence, then dealing with so-called "Black Hawks" and "Patriots" will of course be a piece of cake.


Finally, the U.S. arms sale to Taiwan will once again allow China to regain the moral high ground in international public opinion, which is conducive to Chinese weapons development.  



China has repeatedly warned the United States that the Taiwan issue concerns China's core values and national sentiment. If the U.S. challenges China on this issue again, there will be no doubt that America is continuing to harm China, and that this isn't any ordinary type of harm, but the kind that greatly damages the country and its people.


The Obama Administration has always advertised its commitment to creating friendly relations with China , leaving little doubt that it puts the moral obligation to act firmly in the hands of Chinese leaders. Moreover, because of the U.S. government's weapons sales to Taiwan and China's strong opposition to it, great concern has emerged within the international community. Now China may well tell the world: since Americans have repeatedly sought to contain China, using military force to interfere with China's national unity, China has no reason not to strengthen its own military strength. China 's military spending has seen double-digit growth every year due to a fundamental need to safeguard the nation's unity. Of course, maintaining national unity is a necessity for being among the world's great independent powers.


More than 2,000 years ago, Mencius said, "Although there is wisdom, this is not as good as opportunity; although there are tools, these are not as good as right timing." With China's growing national strength and constant pursuit of harmonious development in the 21st century, any situation related to the state and nation requires policymakers to assess the situation and find rational and intelligent people to help achieve the country's rise as a great power. By giving more thought to the U.S. weapons sale to Taiwan, we may learn much more from the experience.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US February 6, 12:35am]


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