
[The Independent, U.K.]



Rceczpospolita, Poland

China Feels Her Oats at America's Expense


"It's been two hundred years since the Chinese have felt as powerful as they do today. …Every year, China's influence will grow, while America's declines. How far this transformation will go, no one can today predict."


By Piotr Gillert



Translated By Halszka Czarnocka


February 1, 2010


Poland - Rceczpospolita - Original Article (Polish)


The Opium Wars: A nineteenth century cartoon showing Europeans carving up China. The Chinese have never forgiven the way the West, and primarily Great Britain, forced China to open its markets by getting Chinese addicted to opium.


AL-JAZEERA NEWS VIDEO: Gordon Chang, author of 'The Coming Collapse of China,' explains why U.S.-China relations have gone sour, Feb. 2, 00:04:29RealVideo

For years, America has been arming Taiwan to protect it from possible aggression from the People’s Republic of China. And for years, mainland Chinese have been protesting - but never as vigorously as now. The threat of imposing sanctions on American companies and suspending cooperation on key international issues is a serious challenge to the Barack Obama Administration.


His attempts to begin a deep and intimate dialog with Beijing can now be called a failure. This was already clear in recent weeks, as the Chinese torpedoed the attempt to reach an international climate pact in Copenhagen -  and when the Americans chose to consider Chinese aggression on the Internet so dangerous that it deserved a strong riposte from Hillary Clinton. Along the Washington - Beijing line, a cold breeze blew.



Perhaps, however, it couldn't have happened otherwise. Perhaps such friction would have come sooner or later - simply inevitable whenever a new power begins to dislodge the old. And this is exactly what's happening: Chinese influence in the Far East and many other regions of the world has begun to undermine the domination of the current superpower. For decades, the Chinese preferred not to challenge America, being dependent on her economically and to a great degree, politically. Militarily, it has in no way been a match for the United States. This state of affairs has begun to change, and Chinese behavior is changing accordingly, which should surprise no one. It's been two hundred years since the Chinese have felt as powerful as they do today.    





Die Tageszeitung, Germany: Taiwan Arms Sales a Gut Check for America

China Daily, China: U.S. Weapons Sale to Taiwan will 'Sour Ties'

Taiwan News, Taiwan: Taiwan Leader Welcomes American Weapons Deal


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This doesn't mean that the two countries are doomed to go to war, pulling the rest of the world along with them. Today, America and China are so closely linked economically that a conflict wouldn't suit either party. A more likely scenario is this: the great tectonic plates of geopolitics will continue to shift slowly, accompanied by further shocks and suspense. Every year, China's influence will grow, while America's declines. How far this transformation will go, no one can today predict.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US February 3, 3:55pm]



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