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Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany
U.S. Republican 'Civil
War' Proving Hopelessly Divisive
are divided, and with each primary, that division is being reinforced. This
reduces their chances against a president who is not only considered vulnerable,
but beatable. Should they choose the hot-headed and undisciplined Gingrich, who
makes George W. Bush look like a centrist - then the country is in for a wild ride."
By Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
Translated By Ulf Behncke
January 22, 2012
Germany - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Original
Article (German)
If South Carolina primaries actually
carry the weight some attribute to them, then this year's primary result spells
disaster for the Republican Party leadership. For it wasn't their favorite Mitt
Romney who won the day in this socially-conservative state, but former House speaker
and Clinton adversary, the flamboyant Newt Gingrich. So if South Carolina lives
up to its reputation as "kingmaker" in this election year - since every
candidate who has won here since Reagan in 1980 has gone on to be the party's
presidential nominee - then expect the election to be ideologically extreme and
brutally intense. And the incumbent Obama, fighting for re-election, will see
his chances improve.
Gingrich's spectacular
success has much to do with his confrontational style, his political and
cultural roots in the south and an economic populism that resonates with parts
of the Republican base. It is a populism which, in these difficult times, is
Romney's Achilles heel. Few find it comprehensible or "fair" that in
a year in which social justice and income distribution have entered the vocabulary
of the day-to-day world, multimillionaire Romney's tax rate is just 15 percent.
Many are clearly responding to
the accusation that he "destroyed jobs" as an investment manager. And
it hardly matters how much truth there is to these accusations or whether he is
being caricatured or demonized: it works. Democratic campaign managers, who must
also provide their candidates with an equally mobilizing and convincing message
- and perhaps not just one about "change" - will remember this, not
least because Obama is runs the risk of losing disaffected swing voters because
of the economy.
Even if Romney ultimately overcomes
the law of averages, this southern primary highlights the fact that the former Massachusetts
governor is anything but the celebrated hero chosen by an enthusiastic party to
take on Obama. The conservative and populist base, after its confrontation (with
Washington) and battle (against the "radical" Obama), simply cannot
seem to warm to Romney.
Der Tagesspiegel, Germany: The Republicans: Right Where Obama Wants Them
Nachrichten, Austria: Newt: America's 'Hypocritical Moralizing Apostle'
Diario de Cuyo, Argentina: Chavez and Obama: A Common Electoral Challenge
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Diario de Cuyo, Argentina: Chavez and Obama: A Common Electoral Challenge
News, Switzerland: Romney's Core Presidential Competency: 'Shameless Lying'
Samidoon, Palestinian Territories: 'Thank You Newt: Your Insolence is Required!'
Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria: Gingrich's 'Fervent' Wish: 'Final Solution' for Palestinians
FTD, Germany: U.S. Republicans Must Expunge 'Radicalism' and Choose Romney
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Liberation, France: Democracy Crippled: Economics Replaces Separation of Powers
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Republicans are divided, and
with each primary, that division is being reinforced. This reduces their chances
against a president who is not only considered vulnerable, but beatable. Should
they choose the hot-headed and undisciplined Gingrich, who makes 2008 nominee
Senator McCain look like a well-behaved moderate and - are you ready - makes George
W. Bush look like a centrist -then the country is in for a wild ride.
First, though, the Republican
Party has a long, hard battle: An intra-party civil war.