He invited Obama to coexist with differences buy here he crushes his adversaries

Presidents Obama and Chavez shake hands in Trinidad: Was

Obama kissing up to Chavez, or did he get the best of him?

like a harp? Debate rages here and in Venezuela.



El Universal, Venezuela

Obama is No 'Black in Chavez' Pocket'


"Obama dismantled the Chavez racket in regard to imperialism and it wasn't, as they say in Caracas and Washington, that Obama was coddling Chavez. On the contrary, Chavez was won over when confronted by an irrefutable argument, and there was nothing left to do but support it. If he thinks Obama is a Black in his pocket, Chavez is deluding himself."


By Roberto Giusti


Translated By Liz Essary


April 20, 2009


Venezuela - El Universal - Original Article (Spanish)

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez hands President Obama a book titled, Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, at the Fifth Summit of the Americas in Trinidad & Tobago, April 18. Angst over the the neo-colonial past of the United States runs deep in Latin America.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: U.S. neighbors seem to be taking Obama's call for a new start seriously, Apr. 19, 00:01:56 RealVideo

If the copy of Open Veins of Latin America that Chávez gave Obama had been an English translation, perhaps the gesture would have made some sort of sense. But even then it would have been impossible to conceal Chavez' failure to grasp, not to say ignorance, toward a man who represents the first non-WASP [White Anglo-Saxon Christian] president of the United States. The gift was vain and pretentious for many reasons. First, because Obama is a mulatto, which resulted in his having had to suffer racial discrimination first-hand and grow up in the mid-point between two worlds divided by prejudice. Next, because of his African blood and his childhood in Indonesia where he studied at a Catholic as well as a Muslim school, where he got to know misery close up. But also because of his job as a social worker, his privileged upbringing and his keen intelligence.



If anyone recognizes the flaws of imperialism and has come to power because he's convinced that today's world is not - as Bush imagined it - that of Harry Truman, it is Barack Obama. But even more distressing was Chávez’ assertion that his electoral triumph was a result of changes in Latin America, and that therefore, Obama should be grateful to Evo Morales and to himself. To top it all off, President Chavez' invitation to coexist within differing positions comes when domestically, he deals mercilessly with anyone who opposes him.


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Only Obama’s immutable disposition allowed him to mask the disdain that such antics surely resulted in, conscious as he is of the long and painful struggle for civil rights and social justice of minorities in his country. Obama is president precisely because he proposes a paradigm shift in the economy, not only to prioritize the needs of the majority, but rather with a sense of ethics and productivity that had been lost in recent years. Also, and this was evident at the summit, his is a statesman stripped of hegemonic pretensions who looks at foreign relations from a multilateral and cooperative perspective - a viewpoint that should open a new chapter in U.S. relations with Latin America. 



With this attitude, surprising to those unfamiliar with his thinking, Obama dismantled the Chavez racket in regard to imperialism and it wasn't, as they say in Caracas and Washington, that Obama was coddling Chavez. On the contrary, Chavez was won over when confronted by an irrefutable argument, and there was nothing left but support it.



Gazeta, Russia: Latin Americans Will Sooner or Later Come 'Crawling' to the U.S.

El Mundo, Colombia: Obama: A Man Who Takes His Promises Seriously

La Razon, Bolivia: President Morales Suspects U.S. Behind Attempt on His Life

Granma, Cuba: Castro: Easing of Cuba Restrictions 'Positive', But Not Nearly Enough

Granma, Cuba: Bay of Pigs Led 'Inexperienced Kennedy' to Make 'Misguided Decisions' …

El Espectador, Colombia: Cuba in Obama's Sights

Merco Press, Uruguay: Lula Vows Not to Embarrass Obama Over Cuba Embargo


Now, don’t think that we're dealing with a kind of "socialism light" that will tolerate the existence of dictators in its own neighborhood. Obama is not Bush, but he’s also not Carter. And because of this, he has said that threats to democracy in the world come from “weak or failed states, where rather than the rule of law, abuse of authority, corruption and endemic violence reign.” [this is a translated quotation].


So if he thinks Obama is a Black in his pocket, Chavez is deluding himself.









































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US April 22, 5:19pm]