
Children and camels at the Barack Obama Nyangoma Kogelo

primary school celebrate the President's inauguration, near his

father's home village in Kenya, Jan. 21.



Allgemeine Zeitung, Namibia

Obama-Mania in Namibia: Why?


"Obama has pushed local news off the front pages of our newspapers. Even after the election back in November, people here were absolutely ecstatic and spoke of 'our' victory! Really? I didn't know we in Namibia had anything to do with this election."


By Doro Grebe


Translated By Ulf Behncke


January 21, 2009


Namibia - Allgemeine Zeitung - Original Article (English)


The front page of a rival Namibian publication, the Namibian, on Inuaguration Day, 2009. [Click for Larger Version].


AL-JAZEERA NEWS VIDEO: Sir David Frost interviews Pakistan Foeign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi about the difference between Bush and Obama, Jan. 23, 00:08:57 RealVideo

As of yesterday, a new star sparkles in the sky: Barack Obama is president of the United States. And it somehow, it would seem as of now he is also president of the world.


Rarely, no, probably never, have people around the globe so enthusiastically embraced a man who, as of yesterday, has taken on one of the most important and perhaps unpleasant jobs in the world. Even Namibia hasn't been spared the euphoria. Obama has pushed local news off the front pages of our newspapers. Even after the election back in November, people here were absolutely ecstatic and spoke of "our" victory! Really? I didn't know we in Namibia had anything to do with this election; that Namibia was part of Obama’s electoral agenda or that individually and as a nation, we would somehow benefit from President Obama. In fact it is virtually impossible that during his tenure he will visit Namibia.  



There's no question Obama is a great fellow: a glamour boy, fresh, young, sexy and compelling. He embodies this new departure - this change. That never hurt anyone. But if this good man sits on his laurels it could come back to haunt him - especially since as president, he hasn’t actually accomplished anything. Amid all of this, Obama himself seems the most relaxed, wary of inflated expectations and mindful of being reduced as a person to being "Black." But that is precisely what seems to be happening to him in this country.


Why this Obama-mania in Namibia? No doubt it's because of his skin color, since new presidents from other great powers like Russia or China generally don't send anyone in Namibia over the moon. But even government changes at the top of the South African government aren’t discussed as widely here. Perhaps Barack Obama is so popular because there’s no one in the ranks of our political elite that can even hold a candle to him - be it in terms of charisma, his effect on the masses, his new ideas, but also his ability to overcome obstacles.


[The Daily Nation, Kenya]


And that’s exactly what makes him so exceptional: Obama has no intention of being the exclusive president of the Blacks, but for all Americans. Some here in Namibia won’t like the sound of that. But only when Namibia elects a young White president that gets all the people to cheer him on well we have understood and have the idea of Obama prevail.


[Editor's Note: Namibia's Allgemeine Zeitung is Africa's only German daily, and serves that nation's German-speaking population, which is a remnant of Germany's colonial rule there, which lasted from 1884 to 1915. Then called German South West Africa, rule by Berlin was by most accounts brutal - and in fact, Germany has admitted to committing genocide there . Between 35,000 and 105,000 people were killed after the Hereros rebelled in 1904. In October 1904, the German commander, General von Trotha issued the following proclamation: 'I, the great general of the German troops, send this letter to the Herero people. … All Hereros must leave this land ... Any Herero found within the German borders with or without a gun, with or without cattle, will be shot. I shall no longer receive any women or children; I will drive them back to their people. I will shoot them. This is my decision for the Herero people." He was true to his word. South Africa occupied the country after World War One. ]




































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US January 25, 12:00am]




Namibia is one of the world's newest nations. Just northwest of South Africa, it finally left U.N. trusteeship in 1990. Interestingly, thirty-two percent of Namibians speak German, while only seven percent speak the country's official language, English.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: How is Obama doing so far? The Arab world reacts to Obama's inaugural address, 00:11:25, Jan. 23WindowsVideo

RealVideo[LATEST NEWSWIRE PHOTOS: Africa and Obama].

German soldiers stand near the corpses of some of Namibia's Herero people, during Germany's brutal colonial rule in what is now Namibia, which streched from 1894 until the early 1960s. The descendents of Germany's colonial adminitrators today make up a sizable minority in the country, one of Africa's newest. people were systematically wiped out

[The Times, U.K.]