In spite of major advances in life and the appearance of dozens of children oriented cable channels, the traditional and class

A boy injured in a bomb attack said to have been against militiamen

hunting al-Qaeda in Baghdad, July 18. The horror in the country has

been going on so long, some Iraqis have begun to feel like part of a

research project of elite U.S. think tanks.



Sotal Iraq, Iraq

U.S. Treats Iraqis Like 'Well-Trained Lab Mice'!


"Because Iraq has been transformed into a unique American laboratory, its people are like mice fighting one another for survival or to escape slow extinction. … All of this will provide great material for strategic studies at the institutes of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski."


By Mahdi Qassem


Translated By Nicolas Dagher


Iraq - Sotal Iraq - Original Article (Arabic)

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger: Will he and his colleagues who populate America's think tanks and consultancies be the big winners of the Iraq War?  

BBC NEWS VIDEO: Genetic damage to Falluja's children 'worse than after Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs', July 21, 00:02:38RealVideo

As the saying goes, "One man's misfortune is another man's blessing.” Judging from the repeated calamities of Iraqi life, with its violence, bloodshed, organized devastation and the impact that Iraq's reckless politicians are having on the people by practicing authoritarian “democracy,” the great American centers for strategic studies will certainly be blessed. Out of these calamities, disasters, and horrific atrocities, they are gleaning information of untold value to benefit themselves politically, potentially for use against people in other places whenever America's strategic, security, political or economic interests call for new horrors and catastrophes.



There's no doubt that Iraq and its people have suffered terribly, their country transformed into an active and effective laboratory. Strange and fantastic events beyond the imagination occur every day in Iraq. These include organized killings, untold physical damage and destruction, a growing scarcity of public services and bottlenecks in their delivery, mockery by powerful politicians (though political mafia gangs) regarding the most basic humanitarian and national values and commitments, as well as a complete disregard for institutional responsibility. Iraqi leaders have turned their backs on a suffering population, allowing the unending expansion of chaos and destruction until it has spun completely out of control into something bigger than Iraq itself.


All of this will provide great material for strategic studies at the institutes of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, which will gain new and unconventional political expertise from the horrors of Iraq and the dark, surreal bleakness it has endured for the last seven years.


Because Iraq has been transformed into a unique American laboratory, its people are like mice fighting one another for survival or to escape slow extinction. They compete, agitated and disturbed, as if they were aboard a ship listing and about to sink. There seems no hope for a near- or long-term breakthrough because of the dominance of criminal gangs and quasi-politicians. Meanwhile, the American administration also observes Iraqi suffering with no apparent urgency to intervene and put an end to the contempt of Iraq's political mafia gang leaders and the organized destruction of Iraq materially, morally, spiritually and culturally.  





Debka File, Israel: Combat Between U.S. and Iran Looms in Iraq
Kitabat, Iraq: America's 'Promise': To Leave Iraq in a State of Civil War
Kitabat, Iraq: Wake Up Iraqis!: The Americans Never Intend to Withdraw!

Kitabat, Iraq: America's War: From One Dictatorship to Another
Iraq News Agency, Iraq: Details on Scientist's Death Expose 'Zionist Jail' in Iraq

Iraq News Agency: Chalabi Tells General Odierno: 'Mind Your Business'

Iraq News Agency: U.S. 'Pullout' Resembles Israeli Retreats from Gaza


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And the pain still seems to have a long way to go, since a majority of Iraqis, despite some impatience, discontent and loud protest, continue to suffer the catastrophe that has befallen them with patience, like mice bred in laboratories especially for this purpose! So there's no need for a rapid intervention to put an end to the recklessness of these politicized criminal gangs wreaking a havoc and destruction unseen anywhere else in the world!


Truly: it's as if Iraq has become an effective laboratory, as if its people have become domesticated mice for an experiment, after being injected with heavy doses of religious and sectarian serum that turns rational thinking into ignorance, compelling them to accustom themselves to living in primitive caves under the conditions that have been imposed on them. 



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US July 26, 9:25pm]


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