
 [J. L. Navarro Blog Spot, United States]



Semana, Colombia

Colombia Must Avoid the 'Foxification' of its News Programming


"The U.S. media has arrived at a ridiculous state of polarization, increasingly absorbed in a war between pro-Republicans and pro-Democrats that has nothing to do with serving the purpose of informing the public. … What's so worrisome is that the stupidity of this commentary is almost as great as the size of the audiences of these radio and TV programs."


By Gabriela Perdomo*


Translated By Liz Essary


May 15, 2009


Semana - Colombia - Original Article (Spanish)

Conservative talk show host Michael Savage: Recently banned from Britain for what it calls 'hate speech,' it seems that Colombians are also concerned about some of what passes for journalism in the United States.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Shock-Jock Mike Savage Demands Apology After Britain Bans Entry, May 6, 00:2:36RealVideo

The Huffington Post - an influential online newspaper - reports that some pro-conservative media in the United States are suggesting the swine flu epidemic is a Mexican conspiracy to finish off North America. At this point the U.S. media has arrived at a ridiculous state of polarization, increasingly absorbed in a war between pro-Republicans and pro-Democrats that has nothing to do with serving the purpose of informing the public.


And these aren’t just any networks propagating these ignorant, disrespectful, and even dangerous rumors against the Mexican people. Among them is Fox News, one of the most powerful cable networks in the country. Several commentators from so-called right wing radio, who are explicitly anti-immigrant, have also jumped onto the bandwagon. Michael Savage, host of The Savage Nation, said this last week: “Make no mistake about it: Illegal aliens are carriers of the new strain of human-swine avian flu from Mexico. Could this be a terrorist attack through Mexico? [translated quote]”


It seemed to Neal Boortz, host of the Neal Boortz Show, that his listeners would also like to contemplate the sensationalist side of the story when he said: “There's the angle of bioterrorism. What better way to sneak a virus into this country than to give it to Mexicans.”



La Cronica de Hoy, Mexico: Is Swine Flu the Latest U.S. Bioweapon Attack?

Echourouq al-Yawm, Algeria: America Uses Swine Flu to Cover its Sins

Excelsior, Mexico: Why are People Dying in Mexico, But Not the U.S.?

The Tribune, India: The Growing Planetary Threat from Biological Weapons and Terrorism


What's so worrisome is that the stupidity of this commentary is almost as great as the size of the audiences of these radio and TV programs. Much to the regret of journalism and the intelligence of the American people, controversy and polarization, as well as explicit support for one political party, is the formula for success at United States cable news networks.


As Colombians we should be worried by this phenomenon. Because despite the millions of dollars that the most-watched channels receive - pro-Republican Fox News and pro-Democrat MSNBC - there are no winners here. Neither the people nor democracy benefit from the little and not-so-little white lies of the media.


In the increasingly polarized and politically-charged political atmosphere in Colombia, our media are tempted by this formula of bias. It's nothing new for a newspaper, radio station, or television broadcast to have some affinity with a certain political platform or even for a candidate or leader. But in the practice of journalism, setting limits is essential. Ever since President Alvaro Uribe's first reelection, several media in the country have defined themselves with respect to the image of the most popular president in history - and they've fallen into their own trap, defining every Colombian as being for him or against him. At this point we already have media considered pro-government and pro-opposition. 



Neither extreme is healthy, much less useful to democracy or the development of our personal opinions. Consumers of news and information should demand constant criticism of the government by all media because that is their primary role - and that criticism should not come from the opposition, but from a position of defending the common good that is truthful and based on relevant information. We must equally demand that recognizing the government's achievements doesn't mean glorifying it or utterly ignoring its Olympian faults.


According to the Pew Center for Excellence in Journalism's recently published annual report on the state of the media in the United States, programs on Fox News have a generally conservative audience, those on MSNBC are viewed more by liberals, and CNN has a slightly more balanced audience. For example, The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News is watched by an audience that is 66 percent conservative and 3 percent liberal.


What these numbers indicate is that the secret of the success for U.S. cable channels is the old formula of giving the public what it wants to see. What happens then is that news and information pleases and makes consumers feel good because they hear what they want to hear every day - and not what they should hear or what they'd really be interested in knowing. It is a fact that they consume doctored news. And the best breeding ground for this formula is a polarized country. So let us hope that the same doesn't happen to us.














































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 21, 6:35pm]