[The Independent, U.K.]



O Globo, Brazil

'Turn Your Back On Palin ... You'd Best 'Watch Your Rear-End'


"Attack a woman like Palin, and the result is to make her a victim of machismo, sexism, prejudice, etc. Turn your back to her and you'll be left with a nice bite on your rear end. … Obama's must be hurting now: Palin attacked him in a way that not even Hillary Clinton had the audacity to do. She didn't even spare Obama's wife Michelle."


By William Waack



Translated By Brandi Miller


September 4, 2008


Brazil - O Globo - Original Article (Portuguese)

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin holds her four-month-old son Trig, after her speech at the Republican National Convention, Sept. 3 ...


UK TELEGRAPH VIDEO: British analysts praise Sarah Palin, Sept. 3, 00:3:18 RealVideo

You don't have to agree with what Sarah Palin says to admit that the Republican candidate for the vice presidency of the United States has been a great sensation for the Republican convention. At the moment this text was sent for publication, the candidate for president, John McCain, has not yet spoken - so I'm taking a risk by saying that his speech will have less of an impact than the words expressed the night before by his companion on the ticket.


The question that has continued being asked since last Friday, is whether Sarah will add votes or get in the way of the Republican campaign, which seems much less organized and aggressive than the Democrats, at least until now. My opinion is that she will add votes, and a lot, simply because I believe she has shuffled the cards in a way that is irreversible.


Is the message of Obama one of changing the political habits of a country that is tired of "Washington"? (here understood as the old politics). Palin accuses Obama of being part of the club that he criticizes. Is it the message of Democrats that they are closer to the suffering of America's middle class - those most affected by the current crisis? Palin says that she still lives the life of a mother of a middle-class family, while Obama …





Palin let out a big joke during her speech: the difference between a "hockey mom" (mothers that take their children to sports practice) and a pit bull. "It's the lipstick," she said. The combination here is very dangerous, and much of the liberal press (in the American sense) and Democratic activists already realize this.


Attack a woman like Palin, and the result is to make her a victim of machismo, sexism, prejudice, etc. Turn your back to her and you'll be left with a nice bite on your rear end. And Obama's must be hurting now: Palin attacked him in a way that not even Hillary Clinton had the audacity to do. She didn't even spare Obama's wife Michelle.



When I say that Palin shuffled the cards, I also refer to the fact that for the next nine weeks, she has altered the most highly-charged arguments that the contenders have thusfar engaged in - namely: a) who is the most experienced to lead the country; b) who will bring change to political custom; c) who best knows best what is happening to average Americans; d) who will fix the economy.


The McCain-Palin ticket reinvented itself as courageous and competent, not by addressing specific issues, but on the contrary, for taking the risk of speaking without regard for the political consequences. Palin attacked a good part of the so-called "Great" American press, accusing it of bias against someone, like herself, who isn't known at the cocktail parties frequented by politicians and well-informed journalists in Washington.




But irony, sarcasm and good humor are components of a well-organized speech to a chosen public when one is playing at home (as is the case for the Republican convention). It's difficult to calculate how well Palin will be able handle the pace of the next nine weeks, especially when she's no longer a novelty. The election isn't lost for the Democrats, but Obama-Biden is still far from a guaranteed victory on Nov. 4.











































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 6, 6:35pm]