[The Telegraph, U.K.]



O Globo, Brazil

Obama's World Tour: Unsubtle, But Effective


"Even in Germany, Obama's monumental number of advisors (700 aides!) acted with a level of subtlety that, as far as the Europeans were concerned, wasn't discrete enough. … But it gives one an idea of how the Obama campaign thinks: like a winner."


By William Waack



Translated By Brandi Miller


July 21, 2008


Brazil - O Globo - Original Article (Portuguese)

Berlin's Victory Column: A very symbolic and perhaps fitting place for Barack Obama's much-awaited speech on translatlantic relations - although not all would agree. .


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Obama tells Berliners that the U.S.and Europe have grown apart and its time for them to come together again, July 24, 00:02:58. RealVideo

Senator Barack Obama has hit the road and is traveling through half the world: from Afghanistan to Germany, passing through Iraq, the United Kingdom and France. Since becoming the favorite in the American presidential election, this is Obama's first "international" trip - particularly having to confront the issues involved: two wars in the Middle East being conducted by the Americans - and winning the understanding of his principal Western partners.


John McCain is right when he says that his adversary is only committed to running an electoral caravan. And so what? One gets a good sense of what this sensational candidate (Obama, of course) has to say about the changes he seeks to impose on American foreign policy. And they don't seem to amount to all that much change.


The central focus, of course, is learning when and how Obama would withdraw American troops from Iraq. Even before he received the red-carpet treatment in Baghdad over the weekend, the White House itself said that it agrees with some sort of time horizon for the withdrawal of U.S. forces in the country.


No, this wasn't the skillful perfidy of Bush to draw the headlines away from Obama. The person who pressed for the timetable was Iraqi Prime Minister himself, who is under strong pressure from the Shiite groups that keep him in power. That Obama and the Shiites are thinking of timetables for a quick exit may help lead to some sort of understanding. Obama talks of a 16-month window for beginning the withdrawal. American commanders - who know the Shiites better than he does, believe that's too early.




In Afghanistan, the Americans (and their NATO colleagues) are now suffering more casualties than in Iraq. There is something “routine” about the bloodshed: since ancient times, wars in Afghanistan have been fought during the northern hemisphere's summer. In the winter due to climate and topography, things are calm. And still, on average - more Western soldiers continue to die in Iraq.


But Afghanistan can't be addressed without considering neighboring Pakistan - which provides, unwittingly or not, bases out of which the enemies of NATO and the Americans operate. In regard to Pakistan, Obama said nothing about setting in motion any kind of change. In other words, the Americans seem like spectators in a spectacle they don't control.


'Barack Obama: Reedemer or Seducer?'

[Stern Magazine, Germany]


To make up for this, the Obama campaign is trying to get a handle on the spectacle of its electoral caravan in Europe - he was walking on eggshells even before landing there. As his main stage, Obama chose Berlin - the capital of Germany, immediately sparking jealousy in London and Paris, which are considered more “Atlantic” (especially by Sarkozy, of course), than the “suspect” Germans, who have understandings, particularly with Moscow and other obscure places to the east.


Even in Germany, Obama's monumental number of advisors (700 aides!) acted with a level of subtlety that, as far as the Europeans were concerned, wasn't discrete enough. He wanted to give a speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate - exactly where Ronald Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to dismantle the Berlin Wall. The Germans found that inappropriate - after all, Obama isn't President yet.




The next suggestion was the Tempelhof Airport. That is where American aircraft landed in 1948 and ensured Berlin's survival, when Stalin wanted the western part of the city blockaded. But then Obama “discovered” that the airport's architect was Albert Speer, who aside from being close to Adolf Hitler, concluded the war as the minister responsible for employing slave labor to manufacture weapons - and was condemned as a criminal at the Court at Nuremburg. 



Obama will speak in front of the Victory Column - which is decorated with cannons that Napoleon used during several campaigns, and that later during the wars that led to the founding of the first German empire in 1870 [the Unification Wars] the Germans took from the French. In other words the following day, it will be an awkward note to arrive in Paris on. And London frankly feels itself ignored by the American Democratic candidate.




Of course this is atmospherics, if you will. But it gives one an idea of how the Obama campaign thinks: like a winner. And although the polls in the United States (in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, Obama would be elected with over 80 percent of the vote) indicate a very difficult race with John McCain, by less “scientific” criteria so to speak, he has already been sanctified.


Pay attention to one of their best forecasts, which has hit 14 of the last 15 American elections: the electoral barometer of Alan Abramowitz , the Emory University political scientist. He says that McCain can go home now. And who knows, Obama may soon take an even greater interest in what happens in the rest of the world.













































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US July 25, 6:03am]