
[Hoje Macau, Macau]



Nachrichten, Switzerland

The Wall Street Crisis and the Coming Ecological Disaster


"The fact that during the current U.S. election campaign, this insane exploitation of nature has been combined with the dim-witted rejection of scientific evidence propagated by promoters of one side (of course, by the 'Christian' Republican side) is actually quite logical."


By Patrik Etschmayer


Translated By Ulf Behncke


October 13, 2008


Switzerland - Nachrichten - Original Article (German)

Have you had enough yet of the economic crash? Enough of banks going bust, insurance crisis and widespread economic paranoia? Then you probably feel like most of the rest of us. And even if you feel that the crash is somewhat surreal - you can't dismiss it out of hand. The extent of the crash and the values that have been wiped out were of preposterous proportions, not least because they were based upon inordinate excess.


But what if this crisis was just a prelude - a precursor to a much greater threat - one that could possibly cost millions of lives? The current economic crises was based on the idea that we can live and consume based on credit - and the belief that we can continue to do so unabated as long as we steadfastly ignore the facts and spread the risks widely enough.


That idea didn't fly. Yet humanity still seems to believe that those things that have failed in the monetary economy, will, in the long run, still apply to the material reality of our world. Quite simply, because nature will not present us with a bill for the resources upon which we depend for our very survival.


At this moment, fish stocks in the world's oceans, the climate and the atmosphere, the rain forests, energy resources, fertile land and the majority of our commodities are all heading for collapse. Even if the current economic situation has led to a reduction in resource destruction, we should hold no illusions. At some point the "fun" has to end.


A recent E.U. study shows that the current over-exploitation of our natural resources results in damage to the tune of $5 trillion a year. If only humanity weren't behaving like a hoard of loony primates, this amount of money would be available to humanity.


And therein lies the problem: Our evolutionary heritage makes it incredibly difficult for us to change our behavior in such a way as to secure our long-term survival - in other words over centuries. Fuelled in particular by religion, the greed for unrestrained procreation is the biggest problem. 



Mental constructs that were successful a thousand or even a hundred years ago - such as Islam and Christianity (but not only these) - are now just obsolete piles of intellectual rubble leading us straight into the abyss. To believe that a planet of a limited size and with finite resources will be able to infinitely feed and sustain an unlimited number of people is simply stupid. No matter what the Pope, a bunch of Assembly of God members or the Imam at the local mosque says.


This mindset is matched by the hatred of these groups for the very science which for decades, has not only predicted these problems but has demanded that a population policy be eventually put in place, which would leave space and resources on this planet for future generations. As extreme as the greed of the bankers for bigger bonuses and salaries are the religions with their greed for more souls, oblivious to the famines and difficulties in countries where resources are already limited - and where the system id already overloaded.


The fact that during the current U.S. election campaign, this insane exploitation of nature has been combined with the dim-witted rejection of scientific evidence being propagated by promoters of one side (of course, by the "Christian" Republican side) is actually quite logical. It's no coincidence that it is precisely those people who have paved the way for the economic collapse that are still of the opinion that as long as we pray hard enough, everything is possible.


But no prayer or contingency plan will contain an ecological collapse once it begins. The Earth would no doubt recover, but nowhere near quickly enough to prevent the death and unspeakable plight of countless people. The current market crash and credit crunch are merely a hint, just a tiny foretaste of what happens when humanity lives on credit and squanders the natural capital of future generations.














































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 21, 7:48pm]