[The Times, U.K.]
Los Andes, Argentina
'Se Puede!'
"Obama convinced Democratic
voters that change was possible - and a lot better than the experience touted
by his rival Hillary Clinton - for a country that is slowly falling into a
recession that clouds the future with despair."
By Silvina Heguy
Translated By Miguel Guttierez
June 4, 2008
- Los Andes - Original Article (Spanish)
It took Barack Obama five
months to defeat Hillary Clinton and enter history as the first Black nominee
for President of the United States. He did so with a political lineage that in
his words puts him alongside, "the president who chose the Moon as the
next frontier."
Evoking the memory of John F.
Kennedy and Martin Luther King, two of the most legendary figures in United
States politics, Obama convinced Democratic voters that change was possible -
and a lot better than the experience touted by his rival Hillary Clinton - for
a country that is slowly falling into a recession that clouds the future with
It was with the simple phrase
"Yes, we can" during a speech last January that the 46-year-old
politician first acquired the title "charismatic speaker" and
"political phenomenon." During the months that elapsed until yesterday,
the graduate of Harvard and Columbia showed that he had all the qualifications
necessary to survive the fiercest intra-party attacks.

A moment to savor on
a historic night ...
In those five
months, "the Obama phenomenon" has infected normally apathetic young
people on university campuses with a desire to engage in politics. It has been
a shock that has reached all the way to a remote village in Kenya. There,
Obama's grandmother "Mama Sarah" has became one of the most
sought-after people by the press.
They say that the reason he
buried the anger of his past in the pages of his autobiography [The Audacity of
Hope], in which he relates the story of his drug use, was so that no one would
use it against him as an obstacle in the path toward his dream of being the
first Black U.S. president.
Those memories of the first
half of his life were written just after he finished his legal studies at
Harvard. Then, with the ghosts of the past safe, he launched his political
career. In 2004 he was elected Senator from Illinois and in 2007 - in front of
the same edifice that Abraham Lincoln ended slavery - he stated that he would
be the first African-American president. Yesterday, he came a little bit closer
to that dream.
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June
4, 2:00am]