will Not Bow to Terror - at Home or in the Mideast (Liberation, France)
cold determination, a coordinated massacre in the heart of Paris was conducted
to maximize the number of victims. Even at the height of the Algerian Civil War
90 years ago, France never experienced this level of violence. ... French
society must steel itself to yield nothing to the murderers, exercise vigilance
and an unwavering will to confront this horror. … It would be impossible not to
connect these bloody events to the ongoing fighting in the Middle East. France
will fulfill its role and must - unblinkingly - continue its operations there.
Only the unity of the country, strong and unwavering and holding to its values,
will enable our nation to confront its greatest challenge."
The terrorist barbarity has reached a historic
milestone. With cold determination, a coordinated massacre in the heart of
Paris and
the Stade de France was conducted in order to maximize the number of
victims. Even at the height of the clashes connected to the Algerian Civil War
90 years ago, France never experienced this level of violence. And it is
France, its policies and its international role that the murderers have in
mind, not by targeted attacks on Charlie Hebdo or the Hyper Market, but through
an indistinct cruelty unleashed to inspire terror in its entire people. The affected
locations, dedicated to entertainment and conviviality, were intentionally
targeted to make the point that even in their simple and most amicable ways of
life - the French are now threatened.
Posted By
The dead lay
strewn across the pavement outside the La-Belle-Equipe
in Paris, Nov. 14, 2015.
Awe in the face of the magnitude of the slaughter
and compassion for the victims are the most immediate and human reactions.
Our thoughts go out first to all of the victims and their families. The rest is
a question of sangfroid and good citizenship. Based on the principles of law
and solidarity, French society must steel itself to yield nothing to the
murderers, exercise vigilance and an unwavering will to confront this horror.
The Republic has mobilized its resources, and the state security forces will
untremblingly weather this trial with all the effectiveness that is theirs. It would
be impossible not to connect these bloody events to the ongoing fighting in the
Middle East. France will fulfill its role and must - unblinkingly - continue
its operations there. Only the unity of the country, strong and unwavering and
holding to its values, will enable our nation to confront its greatest