Senator-elect Scott Brown: Obama's worst nightmare?



L'Express, France

Scott Brown: 'Very, Very Bad News for Barack Obama'


"Brown is a dream catalyst for a general revolt against the disgraced political class."


By Philippe Coste



Translated By Philippe Guittard


January 20, 2010


France - L'Express - Original Article (French)

Massachusetts Senator-elect Scott Brown watches election returns with his niece Maeve Brown and other supporters in his room in Boston, January 19.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Democrats lose in Massachusetts; 'something of a calamity' for Democrats, Jan. 20, 00:03:46RealVideo

This isn't the moment to demean the word catastrophe, but the quite overwhelming victory of Republican Scott Brown for the office of Senator from Massachusetts is very, very bad news for the Democratic Party and Barack Obama.


First, this is the seat of the old lion Ted Kennedy, the last incarnation of the respected American left until his death last August. It has been won by a 50-year-old lawyer apparently proud of his virility and his "pick-up truck," a populist, an "anti-politician," a representative of civil society who, in fact, was initiated into politics in the early 1990s with the conservative revolutionary wave that posed so many problems for Bill Clinton.


Brown is also an especially excellent campaigner, and it does no harm to his ego that in 1982, he posed nude in Cosmopolitan Magazine as the sexiest man in America. He's also a member of the National Guard - a patriot. A dream catalyst for a general revolt against the disgraced political class.   



His opponent was a respected attorney general - the Justice Minister of Massachusetts: Democrat Martha Coakley failed miserably in terms of political sensitivity. By going on vacation after winning the Democratic primary, the candidate confirmed that she considered the election a mere formality. She judged it unnecessary to fully mobilize a political machine reputed to be unstoppable. Black and Latino voters were hardly addressed by her campaign. She didn't see it coming. And neither did Washington.


Just ten months before decisive Congressional elections, Obama may consider this a warning shot for his presidency. Meanwhile, in the Senate he can only count on a majority of 59 seats rather than 60, the magic number that would have allowed him to win the vote on health reform without the risk of having debate blocked by the opposition. Will Republicans demand more compromises than they obtained before the last vote of the Senate? And at the risk of destroying any hope of reform?



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Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, Jan. 20, 5:09am



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